Share & Win Holiday Decorations for the Home

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Nov 09, 2011

The smell of snow in the air. The sound of family members' laughter filling the house. Turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie on the table. Eggnog and hot chocolate filling our bellies. The glint of the colored lights decorating the neighborhood.

The holidays are just upon us and with that comes all the wonderful moments we're about to share with our loved ones. In addition to the  food, family, and gift-giving that make the holidays special, it's also the decorations around the home. It's the wreaths, the lights, the snowmen. It's the decorations that remind us it's THAT time of year.

And while this may be the first time you will be decorating your home for the holidays or the hundreth, we hope to get you started early and in the holiday spirit by sharing a few do-it-yourself ideas and also giving away some amazing holiday decorations!

Here are a few simple do-it yourself ideas that can help brighten your home:

  • A simple but classy way to dress up your dining room is to wrap each place setting with a length of wide, pretty ribbon. Do it in satin for a graphic statement, or in a loose organza for an elegant finish.
  • Colorful candy strands are a magical way to dress your mantel or tree. All you need is a sizable stash of wrapped treats and an ordinary office stapler. Simply staple the ends of the wrappers together in a regular pattern and voila!
  • Decorative candles are rarely cheap. Buy plain pillar candles and embellish them with thumbtacks and pushpins. Simply slide a rubber band around the candle to act as a guide, then stick in the pins to form a border at the candle's base (courtesy of

We also want to hear from you! Share your holiday decorating secrets below and enter to WIN  fantastic holiday decorations for your home this holiday season. Do you have a favorite store that you turn to for inspiration? What are your favorite scents and where do you find them? Do you make any decorations yourself? Do you have tips on creating festive centerpieces or wreaths? How do you assemble your place settings? Any advice on creating your own garlands or candles? Share your ideas by posting a comment below! 


Prizes include:

The contest starts Wednesday, November 9th and ends at 6:00 p.m. EST November 14th.  Open to all United States & Canada residents. One prize per winner. No purchase necessary. **Note: Members please make sure that the address in your SheSpeaks profile is up-to-date . Prizes will be sent to the addresses we have on file. We will not resend any packages that are sent to the wrong address. To update your profile, please click HERE.

Good luck!



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webdesignermom by webdesignermom | EDMOND, OK
Nov 11, 2011

I have discovered amazing ideas and how-to articles on! I strongly encourage anyone with a DIY or home decorating interest to visit this site. My favorite candle brand/scent for the holidays is Winter by Slatkin & Co.

carlsbadmom by carlsbadmom | CARLSBAD, CA
Nov 11, 2011

Christmas is such a special time!! My husband puts icicle lights on our back fence (there is a canyon behind our house) Our fence is really, really long and everyone in the area comments on how nice and "christmasey"" it looks. He puts them up the day after Thanksgiving. Bummer is when January comes and they have to come down :( I'm going to try sprucing up my pilar candles with the craft idea in this post (I'm not crafty enough to some up with ideas but can implement those I see!) Thanks for the ideas!!

tempest by tempest | MILFORD, DE
Nov 11, 2011

I love the create shows. I see many things on those shows that inspire me to make my home better.

happiemom by happiemom | Manchester, MO
Nov 11, 2011

If you have certain colors you prefer when decorating (I like silver and Christmas red), buy inexpensive ornament balls of different sizes (Hobby Lobby is a great place to buy- find them 50% off), and arrange them in clear vases of different sizes and use on a side table or as a centerpiece on your table.

aimeeroo by aimeeroo | Orem, UT
Nov 11, 2011

Our tradition has been to set up a Christmas village. We started collecting them when I was quiet young, and it is the best part of the holiday.

havenhillcj by havenhillcj | Phelan, CA
Nov 11, 2011

I love to get ideas from magazines and sales brochures. I then go but materials and make it myself.

ddenice by ddenice | WESTAMPTON, NJ
Nov 11, 2011

I like to space decorating out so its not so overwelming. The secret to that is ti label your boxes as you put things away. I also like to have ornaments as table labels for my guests at the holiday meals. It adds to the table decor and sends everyone home with a gift for that year.

beth30 by beth30 | TOLEDO, OH
Nov 11, 2011

I love to decorate for thanks giving and christmas I make glittered table linens I buy my materials at michaels at start right after hollween then I go to yankee candle and buy the latest holiday frangrance candles like deck the halls,cherries on snow,and be jolly candles for a warm frangrance throughout the house. and finally the wreaths, I make several there is the golden-cedar wreath,pepperberry wreath,glass ball wreath,and a mistletoe wreath. and have family members hang them around the house.

Calciumfreak by Calciumfreak | KEENE, NH
Nov 11, 2011

I love to use fabrics all over. Curtains and throws that coordinate with accents on pillows!

mamilita02 by mamilita02 | unsubscribe, MN
Nov 11, 2011

during the holidays I like to make use of all the fruits I use. I boil a pot of water with the peels of oranges , apples and some rosemary, it has a great fragrance in the air.

mdunnings by mdunnings | HACKENSACK, NJ
Nov 11, 2011

I have always loved the holidays..... and no matter how bittersweet memories and pain of the love ones I lost, I know that I am celebrating life with happiness. There is nothing like a cold, winter Saturday morning when my husband goes out to find the biggest tree with our children. I always stay behind baking cookies, pies and decorating the house. But it is the joy of the entire family getting together to decorate the huge tree while listening to our favorite Christmas CD. It is even more special afterwards as we sit back with the fireplace crackling, sipping hot chocolate as we enjoy the beauty of the tree. I just love it!

shackberry by shackberry | SCOTTSDALE, AZ
Nov 11, 2011

I put up the tree and then I let my 7 year old grand daughter help me decorate it and decorate the house. She already has very good ideas and if I do something she doesn't like she will redo it. We do this the day after Thanksgiving and it is the best time.

Clong1222 by Clong1222 | Visalia, CA
Nov 11, 2011

My favorite decorations for the holidays came from my grandmothers house. As a child we would all gather at grandma's one the day after thanksgiving and help put away all of the things she kept out during the year, and then decorate the house. Over the years I memorized where every piece belonged. As our family grew up the job shifted from all of the grandkids, to just me and grandma. Decorating with her has become one of my fondest memories, even as it progressed to me decorating and her "supervising" . I am fortunate to still have her, but when I had my daughter a few years ago, she offered me to choose some of my favorite decorations from her collection to begin my own. Those always get a very special place around my home every year. I can't wait to have the same tradition with my daughter.

AsTheBunnyHops by AsTheBunnyHops | Durham, NC
Nov 11, 2011

It's all about the sparkle...everything looks great by Christmas light, so I try to make sure I have shiny things everywhere that will reflect it!

onekygal by onekygal | LEXINGTON, KY
Nov 11, 2011

My holiday decorating secret is to have fun and be creative. If I see a decorating item I would like to try or at least build on I will take a picture with my phone and then recreate it with a few tweaks here and there to reflect my own style.