Tell Us Your Favorite Halloween Costume & Win

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Oct 18, 2011

Halloween is more than just a day to wear a costume. It's a day we suspend reality and pretend. It's a chance for us to be kids again and let our imagination run wild. We can paint our faces, get dressed up, and gorge on our favorite candy. We can have super powers, be a blond for a day, or impersonate our favorite celebrity.

The Rituals

Halloween is more than just October 31st; it's an experience. We decorate our homes, de-tangle the spiderwebs, put up the gravestones and lay out the body parts. We visit haunted houses, bob for apples and, of course, Trick-or-Treat. We attend Halloween Parties to show off our costumes and check out the creativity of others.

The Costumes

As much fun as Halloween can be, sometimes the thought of actually coming up with our costume can be a bit challenging.  This season we'd like to help you tap into the SheSpeaks collective wisdom to help conjure up great Halloween costume ideas for this year and next. Do you have a preference for gory, scary, or witty or are you into the more abstract objects, animals or expressions?  Do you like to be something from the past or a trend that's popular today?

Tell us your favorite Halloween Costume in the comments below and you'll be entered to Win 1 of 4 Spooky Halloween Prizes! The prizes are a TWIX® Halloween Prize Pack, Halloween Chef, Halloween Decorations & Halloween Accessories packs . See below for more details. The contest will begin on Wednesday, October 19th and will end at 6 p.m. EST on October 24th.


(1) TWIX® Halloween Prize Pack

  • TWIX® costume
  • A lighted jack-o-lantern
  • A carton of full size TWIX® bars for you or your trick-or-treaters


(1) Halloween Chef Package:


(1) Hallloween Decorations Package:


(1) Halloween Accessories Package:


Good Luck and Happy Halloween!

Make a Comment

Oct 20, 2011

i really likes my daughters"dice" costume. we didnt have a ton of money so I took a cardboard box, cut out holes for her arms, head and legs and painted the box white with black dots for the spots on a die. She got more positive comment on that outfit that it made it even more special.

WendyNoel72 by WendyNoel72 | OKEMOS, MI
Oct 20, 2011

My favorite costume was when I was a child & I was a witch. I just remember loving the cape with the fringe and the hat was all sparkly.

leylers by leylers | BLANCHARD, LA
Oct 20, 2011

...I had a lot of fun in 2010 ... with Christine O'Donnell and her sad political commercial overwhelming the news last year I got an idea: I dressed as a witch...and then made a BIG sign that I wore around my neck that read: I AM NOT A WITCH .. the kids didnt' get it, but all of the news saavy adults thought I was a hoot.

mcgarvey32 by mcgarvey32 | GIBBSBORO, NJ
Oct 20, 2011

The best ever... when my brothers and I were 8, 6, 5 and 4, we were the fruit of the loom bunch. I was purple grapes, 1st brother was green grapes, 2nd brother was banana and baby brother was an apple. It was the cutest!!! Another year, I was half man/ woman and brothers were Alvin, Simon and Theodore. Their heads were made of paper mache and wire, felt long shirt dress type outfit. Our costumes were always handmade and adored! My mother was the best!!!

jgarbo by jgarbo | Wantagh, NY
Oct 20, 2011

I LOVED my daughters Giraffe costume. She was so little and had cute little cubby cheeks that squished out of the head piece! It was AWESOME! I wish I could post a picture to share with you all!

purplelover04 by purplelover04 | SOUTHFIELD, MI
Oct 20, 2011

My favorite Halloween costume was a kid and i was a clown

sd1988 by sd1988 | SPRINGDALE, AR
Oct 20, 2011

love recycle man

abelle by abelle | bradenton, FL
Oct 20, 2011

Every year with the kids my husband and I try to match last year we were all pirates!.the little baby pirate the cute little girly pirate the mean one. this year super hero costumes!.all costume are great ,the person in it make it special!!!!!!

PigsinZen by PigsinZen | OKLAHOMA CITY, OK
Oct 20, 2011

In college I majored in Art, each year the head of the Art Dept held a Dept Halloween Party at his home, it was one of the best parties of the year. My senior year two other girls & I went as ?black-eyed peas? ? we wore black t-shirts with large white P's painted on the front and we each blacked out one of our eyes with black Halloween make-up. Super cute and super easy!

AutumnEaton by AutumnEaton | Ruskin, FL
Oct 20, 2011

I loved my son's costume last year. He was 3 1/2 and a Dr. We were out trick or treating and this group of girls, maybe like 10-12 passed by and stopped and said he is so cute, he could be my Dr. anyday..we just laughed thought it was funny!! I was pregnant at the time and he would stick his stethscope on my belly to hear the baby, it was too cute. While we were out trick or treating we had to stop every 5 minutes so he could try to hear the baby!! Too cute! Cant wait for this year, my son is Hulk Hogan, he loves wresteling, and my daughter is the cutest little elephant for her first Halloween.

rdreaux by rdreaux | Mount Pleasant, MI
Oct 20, 2011

We have always loved Halloween as it is just magical! Dressing up for Halloween is not ever an option but an excited event. In years past, prior to kids, my partner and I would dress up as whatever we felt like being. Since having kids things have changed, especially how we dress up for Halloween! Now we have family themes. This year began with an idea to dress the family up as Power Rangers as the kids have become big Power Ranger fans! That started off as a an idea but not one that was going to make a big mark. We then decided to make a family of vampires. The preparation for this became hillarious and exciting. The final piece of the puzzle came into place when we found fangs that actually adhered to our teeth. We look like real vampires. The kids are so excited to go anything related to Halloween as they get to go out with their vampire family. We still are working on making the costumes authentic and exciting!

MommyDoes by MommyDoes | PURDON, TX
Oct 20, 2011

I loved my little's as DIY Princess Tiana and the Frog! That, and when I made a DIY Ladybug when she was 1!

Byrdy1999 by Byrdy1999 | ORCHARD PARK, NY
Oct 20, 2011

My favorite will be this years costume on my newborn. I am dressing him up as and ice cream cone. I will be a chef. My other two sons will be a cookie and a sundae. I can't wait.

beetlebug75169 by beetlebug75169 | EMORY, TX
Oct 20, 2011

My fav. costume is going to be mine this year. Voodoo Queen...i am going to wear a top hat decorated with skulls and pants, dark red vest, black ripped up long sleeve button up(un-buttoned) a chain belt and all kinds of colors of scarfs wrapped around my waist...and my stick i will carry has a skull that is atop and has feathers, and his eyes light up...the stick has chain wrapped around it...and skull glooves with skull face paint....dont forget the black messed up hair...this one i am most def. gonna have fun with

dddiva by dddiva | Conway, AR
Oct 20, 2011

My favorite costume ever was when Dev was a baby- we decorated her stroller like a grave and made her a creepy little zombie- everyone loved it and she won both best in her age group, creepiest and best costume overall at the event we went to.