Relax & Share to Win One of 5 Cool Gadgets

   By SheSpeaksTeam  Oct 05, 2011

Who says a time out should only be for children?

Jokes aside, a few minutes a day to disconnect and clear our minds is priceless. The opportunity to take a few breaths, relax our shoulders and just sit still can be exactly what we need to recharge and finish the day with excitement and a smile on our face.

It's easier said than done, we know! Crazy schedules, friends, children, spouses, and not to mention today's technology almost always keeps you connected to something or someone. But the benefits of finding that time, even just for a few minutes, can make you feel like a whole new person, like your old self again, maybe even like superwoman.

Research has shown (and supporters can attest) that a little time and effort can go a long way. Practicing yoga, stretching, meditating and running a nice bubble bath are just a few methods of how we can disconnect, and relax. But you, our members, are really the experts. You're the multi-tasking gurus. You're the working professional, stay-at-home mom and party planner all wrapped into one and you do it day after day.

So we want to know, how do you do it  ALL and still find time to disconnect? How do you find a few minutes a day or every couple of days for "Me Time" to rejuvenate your mind and body? Do you have help, set the calendar, or stick to a routine or are you self-aware and just know when it's time to retreat on your own.  Do you find it's easy to put down your cell phone or does someone else unravel your fingers from the keyboard? 

Share your experience with us by posting how you disconnect and how you reflect, and you'll be entered to Win 1 of 5 cool relaxation gadgets.  While many relaxation methods can be done with only a few minutes of peace and quiet, we wanted to compile some cool gadgets to help inspire you to find those few minutes a day for yourself.

The contest starts Wednesday, October 5th and ends Monday, October 10th at midnight EST. There will be 5 lucky winners with one winner receiving the grand prize, the Sharper Image Foot Massager, valued at over $50.

Here are the prizes:

Sharper Image foot massager ($50 value)

Aromatherapy Vaporizer with Oil ($40 value)

Conair Foot bath with bubbles and heat ($20 value)


2 Motorized Scalp Massagers ($12 value each)


Good luck!

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MiriamT by MiriamT | HELENA, MT
Oct 05, 2011

The best way to disconnect and relax is to step away from the computer and all electronics. I have a comfy armchair that I can cozy up in with a warm blanket and listen to relaxing music in the quiet of the day.

lucijane by lucijane | San Marcos, TX
Oct 05, 2011

I relax by doing the free puzzles on the internet. It relaxes my mind because I have to focus on one thing, and this lets all the other worries take a break and I actually relax and feel good when the picture is done,

Yarnsafety by Yarnsafety | Centereach, NY
Oct 05, 2011

I like to crochet to unwind. The repetitive stitches helps to put my thoughts in back in order and I have to concentrate just enough which forces the crazy thought out of my head. I also crochet for charity, so it helps remind me "but for the grace of God...."

klnigl by klnigl | Madison, WI
Oct 05, 2011

Knitting really helps me unwind at night. It also helps if I don't have the TV on. It doesn't have to be silence, but without the visual distraction of the television my mind has a chance to decompress from the day.

hilarysgiants by hilarysgiants | Mount Joy, PA
Oct 05, 2011

When I am at work, I take a few minutes a day to just look at a picture of my two boys to remind myself why I am so grateful for all I have in my life and to help de-stress. I also have a picture of them in my binder I take to meetings. So, when a meeting starts to get too much or just adds more stress to my workload, I look at their picture and take a deep breath and know I can handle anything!!

camillawilson by camillawilson | CRANDALL, GA
Oct 05, 2011

I work for a non-profit which is very streesful. I unwind by getting out in the yard and gardening. I love my flowers.

ddavidso by ddavidso | elkton, MD
Oct 05, 2011

I will turn on the classical music station in my car ( I usually listen to alternative). It is really soothing and puts me in a zen spot.. particularly good to do on my way to my yoga practice.

Mona12879 by Mona12879 | Murrysville, PA
Oct 05, 2011

I try to read for a small amount of time each day, about 20 minutes, usually before bed. Escaping into a story or article helps me forget about my worries and relax.

crazyforjamaica by crazyforjamaica | MCHENRY, IL
Oct 05, 2011

I exercise to relax! Gotta put it on the calendar like you would any other appointment. I always am thankful I took the time to get the workout in because once you stop exercising you can feel the difference.

stephkenner by stephkenner | GARNER, NC
Oct 05, 2011

My life is very stressful! I have a husband that has been unemployed for 2 1/2 years & no job prospects in sight, 2 daughters that are 15 & 12, & I work full time to hold everyone & everything together. My relaxation time is at night, right before bed. I take a book, shut my bedroom door, get in bed & read for a little while. It's pretty simple but it works for me. It eases my mind right before bed, so I can fall asleep.

damariswoc by damariswoc | Springville, PA
Oct 05, 2011

Every moring I wake up an hour before I get the kids and my husband up. First thing I make a cup of coffee, sit and read my devotions for a few minutes before I start lunches and breakfast! If life gets to busy throughout the day I sneak a cup of tea up to my room to "fold laundry" (kids won't bother me then!)

mestisa77 by mestisa77 | COLORADO SPGS, CO
Oct 05, 2011

everyday at 8:30 my kids are in bed....and what time is that for me....yes its ME time. A time when I can just relax.... either take nice hot bath, read a interesting book to escape realities, or watch a movie or tv show that I may have missed. Its a time where i can concentrate on myself from the busy and exhausting day that I may have had, from doctor appoints to school activities, to getting lunches and dinner ready and daily chores. MOMs are superwomen, with a invisible capes, and we all need that time whether is 10min or an hour to recollect ourselves, and just relax:)

alex30 by alex30 | fargo, ND
Oct 05, 2011

My husband was working out of town for the last year, (thank goodness he's working near home again!) but at the end of the work day, before supper, my kids and I came up with the 20 minute rule. My kids had to play on their own nicely together, and I got 20 minutes of quiet time. I get to sit on the deck and just relax. Some days that saves my sanity! My kids are great about it and know I am much happier when I get my 20 minutes.

skeeter1 by skeeter1 | HAYDEN, ID
Oct 05, 2011

It is hard to find time in my busy day for me, so after I drop off my son to football practice and pick up my other son and take him to music lessons, I spend the 1/2 hour in between walking through a quiet neighborhood. Just getting outside, breathing fresh air and moving my body, really rejuvinates me. It is simple and low cost, but works for me.

shelbs74 by shelbs74 | CLIFTON, ME
Oct 05, 2011

taking a shower and letting the water fall on your head and slowly move so it massages you -