A Wrinkle In Time Makes Nine

   By drodriguez  Dec 21, 2009

Though we have all been suspicious in the past, the irrefutable evidence is finally out there: women show signs of aging quicker than men.  A recent study, which appeared in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, shows that women develop more wrinkles around their mouths than men and the wrinkles that do develop tend to be deeper.  If you just look at the huge market of wrinkle creams and remedies targeted toward women, it comes as no surprise that women find wrinkles to be more of a problem than men. 

Some may chalk it up to just another one of those burdens women must carry, but there is actually a scientific explanation for why women usually get more wrinkles than men.  Dr. Foad Nahai, an Atlanta based plastic surgeon, told Business Week's Health Day News the reason why women notice lines more than men.  Nahai says, "What we didn't know, and this study points out, is that one of the reasons that lines are deeper in women is because they have fewer sweat or sebaceous glands, the glands that make the oil that keeps our skin feeling soft...So women are producing less oil, which is protective and keeps the skin smoother."

Another reason women battle wrinkles more than men may be because of our hormone fluctuations.  The estrogen we produce helps to heal wounds and is why we tend to heal quicker than men.  Postmenopausal women make less estrogen, hence the increase in wrinkles.  It has been shown that women on hormone replacement therapy produce less wrinkles than women who are not taking hormones.

Women tend to go for more surgical remedies around the mouth area than men.  But it has always been debated whether women do this because they tend to worry more about the way they look than men or they were actually seeing more lines.  This new study may shed some light on why women receive more of these types of procedures.

What do you think of the new study showing women have more wrinkles around the mouth area than men?

Do you think this is the reason why women tend to go for more surgical procedures and cream remedies than men or do you think women just worry about their looks more than men?

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SiLvEr-StArS by SiLvEr-StArS | REVERE, MA
Dec 21, 2009

Seems like every time you read the newspaper, listen to the radio and watching Tv, they are always adding some new product to the market. You can have a Surgery for the littlest things you want to fix. Also there are so many lotions,creams,needles, tools Etc, and most of them don't even work. Every where you go women today are trying to stay and look younger. And for Men I guess it just doesn't bother them has much.Today's generations are so diff' it's crazy. Us Lady's do what we can to be/stay happy...............

mardel by mardel | SCHAUMBURG, IL
Dec 21, 2009

Women have always and will always continue to worry about their looks no matter what. We seem to care so much how our spouses feel about us getting older. Men really don't mind looking old as long as something else still functions. Women will go through high lengths to stop the aging process and I am one of them. Thanks