Nintendo Wii Fit

Nintendo Wii Fit

              Rated #6 in Video Games
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561 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
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A carnival of delights I remember buying thi sfor my grandchild, but he or she did not appreciate the gesture as much as I had appreciated initially. Instead, they wanted to play Evolve, the one with the lightning squid that eats all the hunters in the dome. So I ended up standing on the tablet trying to weigh myself, but then it broke. Not the best experience, but the theme park was fun the one time I played it. My name is Willomena

Works great! Fun too! Haven't used mine in awhile but when I was using it, it worked well at helping me to stay fit!! Fun too!

Great to exercise too. Love exercising to this with my granddaughter. We have so much fun with this!

fun and helpful This is so fun and gives nice feedback on balance. I like seeing the weight chart to know I am on track.

Found this again which is helpful now that I am doing everything from home!

Good Start If you want an easy way to get moving this would be it. The mini games are fun and the actually exercises are very helpful teaching you form if you have been slacking. I think anyone looking to start moving a little more without joining a gym this could be a good starting point.

Great way to help lose weight/keep you active I absolutely love Wii Fit and I was so disappointed when we got rid of the Wii and this game. It helped me lose so much weight for my wedding and then again after I had my first child because the workouts are short and fun. I would just keep going not realizing I was actually exercising and then realizing I had been at it for 45 minutes. I would definitely recommend this for anyone. I also liked that they had different levels available to try so if one was too strenuous, you could try a lower level. Or if you were really kicking butt at one, you can bump it up a level.

Great investment! I love the wii fit! It is such a fun way to get active when you feel like lounging around. My husband and I both love ours!

Fun Love how much weight this can hold. I love that it keeps me on track and makes working out very easy yet fun!

So much fun!! I haven't played this in years! When I did, however, it was such a blast!! Kept me working out every day without even thinking about it... maybe I should set up my Wii again...

Stay Fit & Have Fun!! We have used this so much in the past. There are many Wii games that are interactive and fun. Great way to stay fit and have fun at same time!

Fun Exercise!!! Fun, entertaining, family friendly, and it's exercise!! Who knew that exercise could be so much fun. You can do this together with your friends and family, or you can do it by yourself. There are a number of varieties of exercise routines, games, missions, levels, achievements, goals, and even different strength and stages of severity levels of exercise. It's fun and extremely simple to use. Getting physically healthy has never been this easy or this much fun before.

I enjoy using the Wii Fit. I feel like it gives me the motivation I need to exercise. Everyday is different and it keeps me interested.

Having Fun while working out I am not a huge gamer, the kids all run video blogs, but this is one game I love. It gets my heart pumping while being extremely fun at the same time.

Great for snowy days! Wii Fit is a great game to play with the whole family. We get lots of snowy days in the wintertime here, and this is a great way to play together and get some moving in without even noticing!