A spelling snafu Is that how you spell Macaroni? I always thought it was Macaronee, but looking at that word, it seems confusing in both scenarios. The pasta is very soft when you cook it. I've never had this specific food, but the packaging is agreeable.
Doesn't taste like real food My daughter did not like this so I tried it. It doesn't taste like real food at all.
Questionable Macaroni and beef is a strange combination for kids to start with. Secondly, I understand it's a quick instant meal on a busy day but the quality is not good. There are no nutrients in this. Possibly these prepackaged meals should come with a vegetable at least.
Teens Favorite This is a very convenient meal to prepare. My stepdaughters make this themselves after school; a great snack food.
My oldest daughter will eat it. She normally doesn't finish it but she will eat it for lunch if we have it.
Although this product is convenient-easy to store and somewhat portable, it is not one we cared for. The taste was rather bland. The noodles were kind of mushy. Compared to other children's pasta products it is about equal, but not one I would go out of my way to seek. My youngest child was not fond of this.
These are no good. I would never buy instant meals like this for little kids. So unhealthy.
pretty good,,, I keep a few on hand for my grandkids
My Daughter Loves theses thangs. There a good after school snack.
We love having these on hand, makes for easy meals when our nephew is over he loves them!!
An easy meal to make for children!
my son says he will not even suggest them and when , he tried it he did not like it.
This particular Hormel Compleats is my daughters favorite. It's very creamy and delicious-I even like eating it! Ever since I have started making this for her, she doesn't even like the kraft mac and cheese that I used to make for her. So now it's this from her on out!
These meals are ify. Some are ok like the Mac'N'Cheese and the Ravioli but the Macoroni and Beef the kids wouldn't touch. I would recommend the one's that are good ONLY if there wasn't anything else. My kids would choose a grilled cheese sandwich over these meals.
my kids and husband love this Hormel meal when they come in from school and work they get one of these and it holds them over till dinner we alway keep these in the house