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Most Want New Job In The New Year
on Dec 27, 2010:
Im looking for a way to be able to be a stay at home wife! I have had enough with work!
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Rethinking The Yearly Test
on Nov 21, 2009:
I think not having the Pap tests every year is ridiculous.. I didnt go like I should have in my younger years and if I had I might have avoided some problems.. I go every year now because of the high risk of cancer in my family.. This could potentially save my life.. Not going according to the…
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Flip-Flop Wearers Beware
on Jul 19, 2008:
From experience I know they are tough on your feet and legs... I wear flip flops all the time and it is so not good for me.. I have heel issues but I hate wearing shoes when it is so nice outside.. Flip flops make my heels hurt so bad, I guess I am a glutton for punishment.. I just cant give t…