Commented on:
2016's Newest #HalloweenCandy: Is It a Trick or a Treat? Win A Candy Prize Pack & $75 Gift Card!
on Oct 20, 2016:
It's Reeses & KitKats from 12 Sweeney Court; Such favorites in orange will always be sought. But if candy's a no-no or are allergic, too, they we'll hand out a quarter (25 cents) to you.
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What's in the Oscar Gift Bag Worth 250K? Find Out & You Could Win an Oscar Swag Item!
on Feb 17, 2016:
If you didn't know, you'd probably guess My heart beats fast for Acer genus. I adore the sugar maple tree, and love its opposite symmetry. I love the silver, box elder and red, and rock maple rocks for guitars and beds. So put me down for Maple swag and send me the sweetest Oscar bag.