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My Reviews (1)

Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Shampoo and C…

Garnier Fru… Rating

Your rating: 5

My Comments (3)

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The Glamour, The Gowns, and The Gags of the 2014 Golden Globe Awards

on Jan 15, 2014: Kate Beckinsale! She always looks so sophisticated and elegant!

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Should Photos of Airbrushed Models Come With a Disclaimer?

on Dec 01, 2013: I agree! Photoshopping = changing the truth of the image or product = false advertising! Regardless of whether we know they are doing it, it shouldn't be done. Companies should be encouraged to create products that can REALLY work and have real results, and those results should be what we see in t…

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Women Who Embrace the Craft Beer Craze

on Dec 01, 2013: I don't get the whole craze over craft beers. Sure, they are nice for their variety, but other than a drink every now and again, I don't see why they are so popular. I would try them if I wanted a change from the usual, but that's about it.