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WEN Cleansing Conditioner

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My Comments (9)

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Pick Your Poison: Is There A Wiser Way To Drink?

on Dec 24, 2009: I've heard this information before, but I still drink wiskey. I do drink lots of water while I drink and before going to bed. That makes all the difference the next morning. Is the same true for wine?

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We Secretly Want More Than The Salad

on Aug 11, 2009: I'm not surprised. I've see it and commented on it because it seemed funny to me. I don't remember doing this when I was single, but I did see a few of my friends do it. Although I did modify some of my behavior when I was dating, eating less in front of men was not one of them. I even remembe…

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Does Watching Oprah Really Put Us At Risk?

on Jun 20, 2009: I watch the show and like the fact that I get to hear about how others live and what they are doing to improve their lives. I saw the Somers show and just thought to myself, good for her; but I would never do what she does. The message I get from Oprah is that we should listen to our body becaus…