Commented on:
Pump It Up: Eleven Tips for Excerising Regularly
on Feb 24, 2011:
Thanks for sharing these tips. I exercise a few times a week, been thinking of trying yoga also.
Commented on:
Beat Clutter in Less Than Five Minutes
on Feb 24, 2011:
This is great info. I strive to do most of these things all the time. So, I'm pretty organized from time to time I will keep magazines from a year ago for the articles. Working on minimizing that right now! keep the article in a binder instead.
Commented on:
Limited Choices - 10 Foods or Fewer
on Oct 18, 2009:
I would go with fish, skinless chicken breast, OJ, wheat tortillas, organic 1% milk, coffee, mixed vegetables, fat/free whip cream, truvia sweetener, frozen bag blueberry's/strawberry's, tomatoes, wheat pasta. OK! I think I went abit over 10..
Thanks have a great week!!!