Commented on:
Sweet! Enter the #SheSnacks Food Frenzy & Win a Year's Supply of Candy
on Feb 13, 2015:
Anything mint flavored! Junior Mints, York Peppermint Patties, Mint M&M's, you name it! (Love chocolate covered raisins & Sour Patch Kids, as well!)
Commented on:
The Glitz, the Glam, and Those Gloves - Enter our Golden Globes Giveaway
on Jan 15, 2015:
I really liked Naomi's dress. I thought the yellow provided a nice pop of color, & was so different from the usual dresses seen on the Red Carpet. I thought Amal looked beautiful & classy, as well. Keira is a lovely lady, but I'd have to say she was the Worst Dressed that evening. I just didn'…