Commented on:
The Middle-Class Thief
on Nov 21, 2009:
This is crazy. I don't want to have to pay the price for someone elses wrongdoings. What are these people thinking? If you can't afford fancy cheese or a cell phone, well too bad. Lots of people don't have cell phones or eat fancy cheese. I have to live within my budget and people that are st…
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30 Million Bachelors Need A Wife
on Nov 11, 2009:
It's sad that so many female children are being aborted. I'm glad I live in America where I can decide how many children I'm going to have. Maybe it's a good thing that all these men won't be able to find wives, because then they won't have children and they won't contribute to the overpopulatio…
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Octomom Doc Expelled
on Nov 01, 2009:
This doctor needs to be held accountable for his action. Thumbs up to the ASRM!