Commented on:
School Supplies: Brand Name Or Least Expensive?
on Jul 31, 2012:
I have two daughters and there list is very specific like only clorox wipes, ziploc bags and tissues that have to be kleenex or puffs.Its very overwhelming so I do what I can with coupons and watching for sales.I also have a son in high school so every year I spend around $100 for what all the kid…
Commented on:
Homemade Black Bean Veggie Burger Recipe
on Apr 30, 2012:
Thank you for the recipe looks good.Going to try these this week!
Commented on:
Bacon on Your Ice Cream? Hot Dog in Your Pizza?
on Apr 30, 2012:
This is just plain nasty!Everyone needs to learn how to eat more fruit and veggies!