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My Reviews (5)

Hormel Compleats Kids Spaghetti & Meatballs

Hormel Comp… Rating

Your rating: 4.0

Hormel Compleats Kids Pasta & Chicken

Hormel Comp… Rating

Your rating: 1.0

My Comments (4)

Commented on:

The Secrets Behind the Ten Happiest Jobs

on Jun 03, 2011: I recently quit my job which I am SO hoping wasn't the biggest mistake ever, because I was in an office all by myself all day and HATED it. I am WAY too much of a people person to be in a job like that, so I can see why people would be happiest in jobs that allow them to interact with the general…

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Are Separate Bank Accounts Right for Your Marriage?

on May 23, 2011: I have considered this a few times because my husband is an impulse spender and has caused us a few problems. Then I found out our good friends did this for the same reason. After hearing them discuss who's paying for what and who paid more for what and who did X with their money for the kids wh…

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Divorce Party: Will You Attend?

on May 23, 2011: I know a woman who had one. For her it was appropriate because she was leaving an abusive relationship that was holding her back from the fabulous she was and she finally found the courage to break free from it which was HUGE. For others it's not appropriate at all because they've been blind sid…