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My Reviews (1)

ABC Castle

ABC Castle Rating

Your rating: 5.0

My Comments (2)

Commented on:

Breast Milk Cheese: The Latest In Fine Dining?

on Apr 24, 2010: I'm not saying that it's gross, but the milk would have to be monitored carefully. What if a mother who gave the milk was taking some sort of medication? We know (or at least all breast-feeding mother's know) that whatever you consume will end up in your milk. Cows, goats, etc. are fed grains b…

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Guiltless Gourmet: Save Money, Savor Flavor

on Sep 23, 2009: We buy chicken from a friend who farms them. Every year he slaughters and cleans quite a few to sell. We buy 5 or 6 and keep them in the freezer. Not only are they much meatier than the ones I find at the store, but I know where they are from and I save money that way too!