Commented on:
Princess Diana At 50 Photo: Done In Bad Taste?
on Jun 29, 2011:
Totally tasteless. So much for finally resting in peace. I totally agree w/ Inreed; it reeks of the gossip rags. Boo Newsweek, for stooping this low.
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New Hope through Hypnosis
on Aug 27, 2008:
I think more attention should be paid to hypnosis, and other healing alternatives. I believe others have benefited from them, and our society puts more emphasis on pharmaceuticals, because they can make more money. I think insurance should cover these kinds of treatments, and I believe we would se…
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More Bang For Your Back To School Buck
on Aug 27, 2008:
I'm very fortunate to have learned great couponing tips. I managed to get school supplies for my kids this year, for free w/ coupons. Will shop for backpacks during the closeouts, at the end of the year.