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Commented on:

Labor in Your Living Room

on Dec 05, 2008: The natural way for babies to be born isn't under water. I had three children using natural childbirth after going in to labor. I think too many women are pushed to get these babies out so they can not inconvenience the doctors. However, after seeing a few babies get into trouble at birth, I would…

Commented on:

The Gift Card: Get It Or Forget It?

on Dec 05, 2008: I'm concerned about buying gift cards this year because we've had a couple stores in my area that pushed gift cards as an option, then merged with another company that didn't honor the cards. That's a nice way to get a windfall for a company, but it makes a lousy gift. I'm just going to be more ca…

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The Million-Dollar Milestone

on Aug 28, 2008: This program sounds great. My daughter has her own business and I see a direct correlation between her sales and the economy - especially here in Michigan.