Commented on:
RSVP to Join the #scarygood Halloween Twitter Party THURS 9/13 at 9PM ET
on Sep 13, 2012:
I forgot to include my @PinchingAbe in the last post, doh!
Commented on:
Gifts for the Hostess with the Mostest + Kindle Giveaway
on Jul 18, 2012:
I would love to receive an unwritten book --- I want a 5th Twilight book about Renesme and Jacob. If I were to give a book as a gift to my sister, I'd get her a Stephen King book. I have gotten them for her before and she always loves me for it since she will only buy him in hard cover (she col…
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RSVP for the Tide Coldwater #WashCold Twitter Party - 1/19 at 9PM ET
on Jan 13, 2012:
@PinchingAbe :)
Hope to have lots of fun!