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My Reviews (1)

Hormel Compleats Kids Beef Ravioli

Hormel Comp… Rating

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My Comments (2)

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The Ploy of Soy

on Apr 19, 2011: @Rileypark - try rice milk or goat's milk or even be brave and try RAW cow milk. In the raw form the lactase doesn't break down into lactose, which is what most people have an intolerance to. It's wonderful! And to some of the other posters above, soy is "evil". In small fermented amounts, it's f…

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Mommy's Little Estudiante: Why Kids Should Be Bilingual

on Apr 19, 2011: The advantages of knowing more than one language should be obvious. I am very thankful to be trilingual (English, Spanish, ASL) and am raising my children to be as well.