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My Reviews (1)

Perdue Chicken Nuggets

Perdue Chic… Rating

Your rating: 4.0

My Comments (5)

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Is Walking To School A Thing Of The Past?

on Sep 25, 2009: Wow. We can't walk or ride to school, as it's a 25 minute drive. But if we lived within walking distance, my wee ones would both walk. Not alone in kindergarten, but by the time they were 10 (as cited here with the soccer practice example)? Absolutely! As much as I want to keep my childre…

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Three Wine Faux-Pas to Avoid

on Sep 25, 2009: Interesting, I don't think I've ever seen someone put an ice cube in a glass of wine... but then again, I don't like ice in any drink because of how it alters the flavor :) The half full is a good reminder though. I do see glasses more full than that quite frequently!

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Guiltless Gourmet: Save Money, Savor Flavor

on Sep 05, 2009: Ahhh -- I love the idea of using the old marinade for chicken marinade. Brilliant! I learned how to make that vinaigrette (with the dijon) as a kid at French camp, and I still love it! My other favorite -- because I'm just not the hugest fan of cutting up chickens -- is to buy the rotisseri…