Commented on:
Super Bowl Ads to Watch For and a BIG Giveaway
on Feb 03, 2016:
Looking forward to Amazon Echo. I'm a big buyer at amazon, they had their return system set up great and I've been pleased with their services. Not into alcohol or cars so would like to see amazon and Alec Baldwin. I always look forward to the ads and discuss them with friends long after the ga…
Commented on:
Enter the @SheSpeaksUp #PanteneProtect Giveaway!
on Aug 12, 2015:
I use the Pantene shampoo and really like it. My routine is to use leave in conditioner every other time, I wash my hair twice a week, I have not colored my hair and I rinse with cold water. Before I shampoo, I do a good brushing that will get rid of any split ends and bring oils up from my sc…