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My Reviews (4)

EOS Lip Balm Sphere

EOS  Lip Ba… Rating

Your rating: 2.0

Yoplait Delights Parfait

Yoplait Del… Rating

Your rating: 5.0

My Comments (2)

Commented on:

Vaccinating The Nation

on Sep 05, 2009: I dont trust the vaccination - it hasn't been around long enough or tested enough. I would refuse to get it and refuse to let my daughter get it.

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Missing Child Comes Home

on Sep 05, 2009: I remember being in Lake Tahoe right after she was kidnapped. Being the same age as her, I was a young girl, and it impacted me greatly. I thought about her and prayed for her a lot in the years after. I cried with happiness when she was found to be alive, but then was pretty quickly saddened t…