Are you aware that Motrin (the pain reliever) recently ran (and pulled) advertisements that were controversial?

Recently, the pain relief medication, Motrin, ran an online ad on the company’s website. It was about “baby wearing” — i.e. carrying a child in a sling or a wrap, rather than pushing them in a stroller or carrying them in your arms. 

Moms did not respond well to the ad. They were offended that Motrin suggested that they carry their babies as a "fashion accessory" and that it was not necessarily good to carry their babies around.  Clearly the point of the ad was to show that carrying your baby might cause back pain and that Motrin should be your solution.

Motrin responded by pulling the ads.  We were curious how many people actually were aware of this?  Were you aware?  What was your take on this?

Yes (9.8%)

No (90.2%)

Are you aware that Motrin (the pain reliever) recently ran (and pulled) advertisements that were controversial?
  • ariyana9501 By ariyana9501
    on Dec 19, 2008  

    I've never seen nor heard about the ads, but to me it sounds like some over-reacting.

  • suzynela By suzynela
    on Dec 19, 2008  

    People all around the world carry their babies, strollers are not really convenient in agricultural/third world societies where mothers must return to work outside or in the home; so they carry their child with them while out in the garden/fields or around the home. It's a total ethnocentric idea that carrying your child is a "fashion accessory" and not something good like a bonding tool for the mother and baby to feel each others closeness, warmth and heartbeat. But yes, it could be stressful to the body and back, especially as the child grows, and we are lucky enough to have a product that can help with these aches and pains, not everybody is so lucky!

  • bgerdau By bgerdau
    on Dec 19, 2008  

    What is the world coming to? Every day I see or hear something that just proves how instead of evolving we are Dumbing down. Hey If I could have another baby I would strap them on and about multi tasking. Look at all the things that could be done at once.

  • Momharv614 By Momharv614
    on Dec 19, 2008  

    I am sooo very tired of the "Political Correctness" that has been forced down this countries throat. Because of the opinions of a few the many have to conform! What ever happened to freedom of speech and the basic rights of all Americans?

  • musicalsguru By musicalsguru
    on Dec 19, 2008  

    I actually saw the ad, and while I wasn't offended I could see how others might be. The woman was flippant somewhat mocking and all in all it wasn't even a good ad, as it never actually said what the product was for really. I see where they were going w/ it, but it failed and I think that's more the reason they pulled it than the controversy. It did get them publicity and you know what they say "even bad press is better than no press..."

  • carambrya By carambrya
    on Dec 19, 2008  

    I was not offended by the commercial.

  • chardona By chardona
    on Dec 19, 2008  

    I just watched a motrin ad on youtube and I didn't see it being offensive in the least. Motrin did not say you should "wear" your baby, they were just saying that if you did use those awful contraptions then you could take motrin to relieve the pain. Whether you "wear" them, push them or carry them in your arms, your baby will give you a pain one way or the other. But that's life so you just love them and go on. Motherhood is a JOB!!

  • confustication By confustication
    on Dec 19, 2008  

    I saw it, and was aware of the backlash. As a mom who does wear my baby, I agreed that the message was put together very badly. Babywearing is far from a 'new fad' it's been going on one way or another for eons. Many people were upset by the lack of accurate information in the ad. A well sized and adjusted baby carrier (a wrap, sling, pouch, mei tai etc) will combat strain on your body by spreading the child's weight evenly, and will not cause back pain/discomfort. It is, in fact, easier on your body than simply carrying a child in arms. Some of the backlash generated was a result of frustration that people do see this as a fad, and that people are very uneducated, and the ad played on this misinformation. It cold also serve to steer people away from a very positive parenting choice, as it is made out to be difficult and/or painful.

  • rementer99 By rementer99
    on Dec 19, 2008  

    I think - generally speaking - people are just too uptight anymore. So few of us were aware of this yet enough got angry enough to cause all this. Geez move on, pay attention to what's really important.

  • Marijka By Marijka
    on Dec 19, 2008  

    I have not seen or heard much about the Motrin ad until now. I think that the people who wrote this ad should have use a little common sense, because one way or another, someone will be offended.