Which of the following products are you most likely to buy online?

If you're like so many of us, shopping for products and services online is becoming a more and more comfortable thing to do. But, it still seems that certain products, although available for purchase online, are ones that we would rather go to the store and purchase.

Which products do you most often buy online and why?

Clothing and Accessories (29.6%)

Electronics (11.1%)

Home Furnishings (including furniture, sheets, lamps etc.) (6.0%)

Food (1.3%)

Books (23.3%)

Music/Movies (14.2%)

Beauty Products (makeup, skin care, hair care) (14.7%)

Which of the following products are you most likely to buy online?
  • stacidz By stacidz
    on Sep 02, 2008  

    I bought our bedroom furniture online! It was the only place where I could find quality furniture made with sustainable hardwoods - no veneers and at a great price - even with the s/h! It's beautiful and I am planning to buy my dining room furniture from the same company!