Does John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate make you more likely to vote for him?

Sarah Palin is John McCain's choice for VP running mate.  This will be a historic election!  The US will either have our first African American President or our first female Vice President!

What do you think of McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate?  Does it make you more likely to vote for him?

Yes (40.9%)

No (45.6%)

Not sure - need to learn more (13.5%)

Does John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate make you more likely to vote for him?
  • genny1130 By genny1130
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    I think McCain picked her out of strategy not because she was the best person to be his vice president. I will not be voting for McCain.

  • 1hotlilmama By 1hotlilmama
    on Sep 03, 2008 think Obama has decades of experence??? WHAT??? Doing what? He was a senitor for 143 days! He has no experence doing anything! Who cares how small the town is, at least she's done something! McCain has years of experence and where he lacks she more then makes up for.

  • honeydrop1964 By honeydrop1964
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    Has anyone considered that with McCain being up in age, if something happens to him Palin would be president? At least with Obama, we have the Biden back up. If I had ever considered voting for McCain, the thought is long gone. He has shown me in his choice for vice president that he doesnt care about the future of the USA, but only that he gets in office by hoping that women are ignorant enough just to vote for him because he has a woman on the ticket. Its a sad state of affairs when I can actually read comments here saying they wanted Clinton, but are willing to settle for Palin. They are nothing, and I mean nothing alike, but again, McCain is counting on the mindless sheeple..they seem to be falling in line.

  • mcmgirl By mcmgirl
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    I am a dyed in the wool Democrat so my choice is Obama/Biden. They are just the whole package. Biden has foreign policy experience and Obama seems so geniune. I have a great amount of respect for Sen. McCain as a sitting U.S. Senator and POW. I know very little about Gov. Palin so it really is too early for me to form an opinion of her. It really doesn't matter who McCain selected for his running mate...I'm a Proud Democrat!

  • incurabletragedy By incurabletragedy
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    You would have to be living in the dark ages to want McCain/Palin in office. We would be taking such a step back in women's rights, and all at the hands of another woman, if she had her way. What disgusts me even more is the fact that this lousy excuse for a woman threw her own daughter under the bus and outed her to the world as being pregnant, and why? To save face for HERSELF! To stifle rumors that she passed off her grandchild as her own. Now she wants to trot out her daughter's baby's father at the GOP convention?!?!?! This woman is off her rocker. I am sorry.....I find her so horribly offensive in every way. What kind of woman would sit there and honestly say that we should have no choice over whether we use birth control or not? I could let her stance on abortion slide due to the fact that no one can agree on that and we just have to learn to accept that we will never reach an agreement on the issue as a society, but to say birth control is wrong....well, I guess she can ask her daughter in a few years if she would have rather been educated on BC and had access to it, or become a campaign ploy for her mother. I will NEVER get behind anyone who would exploit their own child just to deny a rumor about herself. I don't really have anything personally against McCain.....but now that this is his choice for VP, there is no way on God's green earth I would cast my vote for him. Woman or not, she is simply a deplorable example to set for our young girls.

  • pontiacrn By pontiacrn
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    Sarah Palin has been the mayor of a town in Alaska. This requires running the town in a legislative position. Those of you who don't think so are doing the mayors of your hometowns a diservice. I would hope that you vote for the candidate who you think will best run your town as mayor. She is also the Govenor of Alsaka, which means that she is in charge of running the entire state. Since she has been in a govenor, she has cleaned up corruption on both the Republican and Deomcratic sides. Again, I would hope that when you vote for the govenors of your state you are chosing whom you believe would best run your state. I guess what I am trying to say is that if you don't believe that the mayors and govenors of the U.S. aren't preforming legislative work then I can understand why you believe she has no experience. It means you also believe no mayors or govenors have legislative experience. The media is attacking Sarah Palin, because she is a strong, women, who works hard. The fact that she does have 5 children and an 80% approval rating shows that she can balance family and work.(Just like a man could.)

  • smitten By smitten
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    I live in a state that has suffered terribly under a democratic governor..

    I don't want to see what has happened to my wonderful state happen to this country as a for McCain/Palin

  • juicygirl By juicygirl
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    I have to agree with previous comments about the choice of Palin being a slap in the face to women. Although, the tactic is interesting - trying to obtain women's votes by putting a woman other than Clinton in VP position, Palin's lack of experience is what worries me most. It has nothing to do with her family life or the fact that she is a woman, it mainly all comes down to her experience. I would never vote for someone because of their sex/race/orientation. It always comes down to experience and ability to perform. Candidates personal lives are a factor that should be left out when it comes to such a serious decision.

  • CMichele By CMichele
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    fortinzio said it best.

    Go Obama!

  • mwilson1107 By mwilson1107
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    You know why Sarah Palin was the right choice, because she is real. She may have strong opinions and views, and her values may be different than others, but one thing that nobody can deny her is that she is real. She makes mistakes, her children make mistakes, so God be with any man or woman that knowingly steps into the biased left winged media and is forced to expose her and her family's private pain and struggles in order to help save what little values and morals we have left in our government. This country needs to be reminded that right or wrong is far more important than Democrate or Republican. When all is said and done we all know, like it or not, that Sarah Palin is exactly what this country needs. We don't see much of anyone in Congress standing up for what is right, rather than what is popular. And what is wrong with teaching abstinence? Her daughter is living the consequences of her choices. Choices she was able to make on her own because of free agency. What Sarah has shown is compassion and love for her child. Even though Sarah knew that our society would feed her to the wolves and scrutinize and try to destroy her and her family, she still shows nothing but love and compassion for her daughter and our beautiful and FREE country. That is 100% class. And really, if it's okay to place judgement on this woman than at least be consistent and let's comment on Al Gore's troubled son, or John Edward's poor morals, or Obama/Biden's lack of forein policy judgement. Wrong every time. Can anyone say Anbar Iraq? I didn't have a canidate to vote for until Sarah Palin. The more the media tries to smear and destroy her the more I believe she is the right person for the job! Bad guys with their own private agendas hate to lose and their desire to bring down the good will ultimatly be their own downfall.