What are you looking forward to in the New Year?

What would you like to accomplish in the New Year?

A new job or new opportunities at my current employer (34.7%)

Starting a family/spending time with my family (31.5%)

Moving to a new place (12.2%)

Taking classes to improve my mind/health (29.3%)

Starting a new hobby (25.6%)

What are you looking forward to in the New Year?
  • Monsoonbreezes By Monsoonbreezes
    on Jan 06, 2011  

    We have just moved to a new state prior new years day. We are both looking for work. I had to leave my job in a different state to sacrifice for my husband to live his dream, he has received a few great leads but didnt want to give him a final offer until he moved in state. Now, we are here and he needs to finish the deal then I can start looking for a job for myself and find a daycare for my little munchkin.

  • cocoasmommy By cocoasmommy
    on Jan 06, 2011  

    I am thankful to God that I am still employed despite my company going through a very difficult time the summer of 2010. Having my hours cut taught me to be conscientous of how wasteful I was with my money. Since then, I have learned to do more with less. Now I would like to focus on improving my health and mind. A healthy body and mind will keep me marketable for bigger and better opportunities. My family has been and always will be first. Everything else is a bonus.

    on Jan 06, 2011  

    I am actually starting a business that will help people that want o work from home on the internet but not one that sounds like a used car salesman. I have also been doing some other things for people to make money but I don't know if we are allowed to sorta advertise. It would be fun to net work with things that can help people, but need to check on the rules. Luck, health and happiness to all.

  • NicoleSpeaksCA By NicoleSpeaksCA
    on Jan 07, 2011  

    I'm feeling fortunate to have a job, even though it isn't permanent. Am grateful to have the opportunity to work again, and that my two girls are doing so well with the transition to me workin!