How would you rate President Obama's performance in his first year of office?

Its hard to believe that its been a year since President Obama took office.  With world and economic turmoil, this year would have presented challenges for any President no less a new one. 

We were curious, how would you rate President Obama’s performance over the last year?  Please tell us what you think.  We want to know!

Good (27.6%)

Fair (38.7%)

Poor (33.6%)

How would you rate President Obama's performance in his first year of office?
  • lsabrinap By lsabrinap
    on Jan 21, 2010  

    geee and bush had no skeletons or secrets....we really hurried to get him out of there....people are so hypocritical. When its their guy he had to do those things, when its someone elses hes ruining everything and its all his fault, hes so shady so many secrets..... blah blah blah THEY ALL HAVE SECRETS they are POLITICIANS!!! none of them are really good or they wouldnt be in position if they hadnt been scrathching someones back..... the question is whether we need to move in a different direction then we had been and i think its clear we do.

  • lsabrinap By lsabrinap
    on Jan 21, 2010  

    Also pjgriff says: 1 day ago jessicamac, where have you been, on another planet? We are in a depression, and it has been worsened by his socialist policies. where have you been PJGriff ???? who started the ball rolling towards depression by letting the banks hand out money to anyone who wanted an overpriced house?? and how much worse would it HAVE been if he didnt proop up those companies (which i dont agree with but if he hadnt we would have been much worse off)??? Did he create the problem NO did he handle it? hes working on it, but guess what GW did for us??? WON the record for most vacation days in office......oh and didnt he have some problems and WARS to deal with? Im sure he had Wifi on his ranch, its ok he was working im sure...... WAKE UP the grass is always greener and obama didnt start our problems he just has to deal with them the best he can, give him a chance we gave GW 8 YEARS!!!! and 4 of those we didnt have too!!!

  • lsabrinap By lsabrinap
    on Jan 21, 2010  

    and its funny how many 'republicans' i know that love unemplyment being extended! Not so mad you cant take his money huh? Obama is horrible, were losing our rights, becoming socialist but i cant wait to see those people on line to sign up for healthcare b/c they DONT WORK and they dont need to b/c they are taking unemplyment..... hypocrites all around.....

  • October By October
    on Jan 21, 2010  

    Republicans you don't know what the heck your talking about, this poor man came into the worst political mess possible and all thanks to your beloved Bush. Obama cares more about this country than bush ever could imagine and he is doing the best he can, given the circumstances. Bush was a selfish president who only cared for himself and what he could do for his republican friends and he is the reason for all the chaos we face today.

  • LilyJJohn By LilyJJohn
    on Jan 21, 2010  

    In my opinion, the fact that Obama is president is a big step in itself. I think that he has a lot of issues to face, adding to the general tasks that a president has to carry out. I also believe that he had many things to straighten up as far as the country goes, so I am not really sure how one person (even though there are other people involved, I know) can really solve all of the world's (or country's) issues in the amount of time that he has been in office. It will take a long time, and maybe a few presidents to really fix our country's problems.

  • bozemanbrooks By bozemanbrooks
    on Jan 21, 2010  

    I am proud to say that I didn't vote for President Obama. His lack of experience and knowledge in his field is forcing him to fail. I voted that he is doing a "fair" job. He really hasn't done much to screw up this nation...yet! However he has a spending problem. He also made a lot of promises that he couldn't keep.

  • justducky21 By justducky21
    on Jan 21, 2010  

    I wish he would stop spending my money. I agree with jld111106. It is nice of Obama to try and spend money, but he is spending way too much. What are we doing getting a national health care when Medicare and Medicaid are so far in debt and there is so much fraud. Fix them first and then I could possibly see a national health care.

  • cebula By cebula
    on Jan 21, 2010  

    I couldn't agree more about him having his own agenda. Like the health care reform, I think it's pretty clear by now that nobody wants, yet he's still pushing. Bush wasn't a great president, some damages were made during his time, but all the bailouts are Obama's idea. He keeps giving loads of money to whoever begs him, yet us americans are the one feeling it. Oh well, hopefully the Republican party got a good lesson from the last election and will put someone on the head that americans wants next time. Rom Paul would have been an AWESOME president, but they didn't want him and got the media to boycott him until it was too late for him to make a come back. BOO-BAMA!

  • cynniem By cynniem
    on Jan 21, 2010  

    I am reading a lot of these comments and I can't believe that people are so negative. President Obama was very couragous to go into office after eight years of GB screwing up the economy. Now that we have someone in office that really cares, people are wishing him to fail. It is so sad, because on 9-11 everyone wanted to come together and pray. Why not come together and pray that this president who cares about ALL people succeed in making the US a better place for our families. Let's use ourselves as examples. You may not have voted for him, just like your children didn't ask you to become thier parent. Even though your children didn't ask to you to become thier parent, you would not want them to be defiant and treat you like you can't make mistakes. You may have not voted for Obama, but just give him a chance, because he is our President . Let's respect him like we want our children to respect us. Let's do better and be good examples for our children.

  • kubydo By kubydo
    on Jan 21, 2010  

    So far I think he sucks