Are you aware that Motrin (the pain reliever) recently ran (and pulled) advertisements that were controversial?

Recently, the pain relief medication, Motrin, ran an online ad on the company’s website. It was about “baby wearing” — i.e. carrying a child in a sling or a wrap, rather than pushing them in a stroller or carrying them in your arms. 

Moms did not respond well to the ad. They were offended that Motrin suggested that they carry their babies as a "fashion accessory" and that it was not necessarily good to carry their babies around.  Clearly the point of the ad was to show that carrying your baby might cause back pain and that Motrin should be your solution.

Motrin responded by pulling the ads.  We were curious how many people actually were aware of this?  Were you aware?  What was your take on this?

Yes (9.8%)

No (90.2%)

Are you aware that Motrin (the pain reliever) recently ran (and pulled) advertisements that were controversial?
  • pursegal By pursegal
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I didn't see the ad, but it sounds like a bit of an overreaction.

  • ilikemovies By ilikemovies
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I didn't see it but what's the big deal?

  • ann818marie By ann818marie
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    Anything you say anymore is going to offend someone. I agree with Trista. There are plenty of other things to be up in arms about. Who cares how a woman carries her baby? At least they know where their kid is!!!

  • pretzelsbabe By pretzelsbabe
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I didn't see the ad, but carrying/holding some children can cause backaches and a few other kinds of aches. If promoting a safe OTC medicine to occasionally help relieves those aches, what's the harm? I don't know a lot of moms who can hold their children for any length of time without feeling some type of discomfort.

  • trigg93 By trigg93
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    Some people have a little too much time on their hands and are way too sensitive. It really was not that big of a deal, why don't we discuss things that are actually important!

  • i2osie By i2osie
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    People are way too sensitive these days, everything is turned into something prejudiced, or racist, or religously unsensitive. So many people are afraid of saying the wrong thing, or doing the wrong thing, its rediculous, almost like coffee cups having the hot warning on the side so people wont sue them when they spill it on themselves. Absolutely rediculous what the world is coming to.

  • cheryllsm By cheryllsm
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I agree with little bird; I am a babywearer & it is true it can hurt if done wrong. But that wasn't the point of their ad. It was VERY condescending not only did it look like we are crazy but we only do it because it's become popular in Hollywood....not that if you are sore take motrin. I'm glad they listened & pulled it

  • kkavila3 By kkavila3
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I did not see these adds; however, I agree with the comments that people tend to overract. I'm sure Motrin's intention was not aimed at offending people.

  • kms1287 By kms1287
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I agree with most that some people are so easily offended. I mean if I threw a fit every time someone said something I didn't care for I would be in a constant fit all the time. Learn when to let it go, something only offends you if you let it. Frankly thinking about what a big deal was made out of it gives me a headache lol. I have children and would not have been offended by the add, I have used baby carriers . Those people sound like my SIL who gets offended by everything (even if there was no offense meant) or she will even look for things to get upset about. Its an add for pain reliever ..not a personal attack..

  • arress By arress
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I guess those complaining didn't realize that the newest study has pushing their infants in a stroller shows lack of nuturing on the part of the mother.. Facing the child away from the mother is even worse.. This nation is becoming more stupid by the second.