Does John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate make you more likely to vote for him?

Sarah Palin is John McCain's choice for VP running mate.  This will be a historic election!  The US will either have our first African American President or our first female Vice President!

What do you think of McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate?  Does it make you more likely to vote for him?

Yes (40.9%)

No (45.6%)

Not sure - need to learn more (13.5%)

Does John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate make you more likely to vote for him?
  • mmyers By mmyers
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    I was going to vote for McCain because I do not want Obama as president. And I do not want Clinton ever as anything. McCain has my strong support with Palin as his vice president. She is the type of woman I want to see represent me.

  • mina77 By mina77
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    Hell no! McCain just wanted all of Hillarys supporters and it's obvious that he's not gonna get them.

  • lisavance By lisavance
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    I am not rich. I have been laid off because of outsourcing of jobs. I have been without healthcare for years waiting on the "perfect" job. I don't even own 1 house! Obama can identify with these circumstances as well as others. I appreciate that in him. I wish McCain and Palin the best, but my vote goes to OBAMA!

  • catriley By catriley
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    What an awful choice. What does it say about a man or a party that chooses someone on the fly like that, without spending more than 24 hours checking her background.

    With so many people losing their homes, losing their jobs, losing their healthcare, it's a slap in the face that they'd go for a gimmick like this when they had extremely qualified choices that they passed up just to try and steal the thunder from the Dems convention.

    As far as thinking women were going to fall all over themselves because she's a woman.. well, unless a woman is a hardcore evangelical, I know of no women that support her. She is anti-birth control (even for married couples), anti-choice in ANY instance, wants to teach creationism in the schools, tried to fire the local librarian because she refused to ban books that Palin wanted removed, and is embroiled in an ethics scandal.

    And women are supposed to swoon because we have the same number of chromosomes? What an insult to women everywhere! This political gimmick is already backfiring on them, as America needs leaders right now that can deal with the war, the economy, and terrorism. Bad choice. I'm almost embarrassed for her.

  • catriley By catriley
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    "Love Palin!!! - she's the only one of the 4 that actually has excutive experience."

    Did I actually READ that? Umm.. the mayor of a town of 5,657 people (which was left with a 20 million dollar deficit), and governor of a state with less population than most mid-size cities, (who is also involved in an ethics scandal) hardly trumps the decades of experience that the other candidates bring to the table. "Executive experience" is a talking point that I've heard parrotted all over tv and radio.

    She has ZERO foreign affairs experience or knowledge. That's like saying the manager of a pizza chain can be president. It's just funny to read that people are just repeating back what they hear on TV or what they received as talking points in an email.

  • lynnedahlheimer By lynnedahlheimer
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    My vote is for McCain/Palin. I think it will be interesting to see who get in. I don't feel Obama has the experience or the dedication to run our great country. For those of you who pull out the race card, for me it's not the case. I have many good African American friends. I believe in paying my share of taxes. I believe we have to work hard to get anything. Nothing is for free. As far as lisavance "there is no perfect job" but many jobs out there if a person wants to work. It may not be a job of your dreams but it's better to work for a little then not work at all.

  • lbacon72 By lbacon72
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    I'm appalled by McCain picking Palin. However, I'm appalled by most things that the Republican party represent. Obama/Biden all the way for me.

  • Poisonivy005 By Poisonivy005
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    I think the whole Pesidential race is a big joke because neither of them will make a good President, in my honest opinion. I feel that if we have McCain, we're gonna have another 4 years of Bush...we all know how that turned out. Obama is gonna raise taxes just like every democrat that seems to come in office does! It's pretty much a lose lose situation. We'll just see what happens in Nov!!! Hope for the best, I guess!!!!

  • eeneriscool By eeneriscool
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    While I think McCain made smart choice to balance the ticket the way he did, Palin's values and beliefs couldn't be any more different than mine, and so I'll be voting for Obama, just like I was going to before McCain picked a VP. I also consider it a slap in the face of all women if he chose her to sway Clinton voters, although I have no idea if that was his intention.

    As for my own beliefs, I'm an existentialist, agnostic, and pro-choice. I also support intellectual freedom, and so to hear that she tried to fire a librarian because she wanted censorship makes me pretty angry. It's so much better to teach people how to deal with things like information and sexuality on their own instead of cutting them off from resources and preventing them from learning anything all together. I can't handle that kind of short-sightedness, and I certainly don't want that kind of short-sightedness running this country.

  • danieeve76 By danieeve76
    on Sep 03, 2008  

    Vote for Obama!! Vote for Obama! I just read that Palin is anti-choice even in the case of rape or incest. McCain is old as dirt and I don't agree with his views either. Obama will bring about change and thats what we need.