At what age is it appropriate for a kid to get a Facebook account?

Adage recently reported 7.5 million preteens are on FB. How do you feel about that statistic?  What do you think are the potential safety issues with preteens using Facebook?

<11 years old (2.4%)

11-12 years old (6.5%)

13-15 years old (37.1%)

16-18 years old (37.1%)

>18 years (16.9%)

At what age is it appropriate for a kid to get a Facebook account?
  • Phoenixlotus By Phoenixlotus
    on May 12, 2011  

    I think 16-18 is most appropriate because they are in high school and it is a way to connect with like minded individuals as well as classmates who have already graduated.

  • lvknisley By lvknisley
    on May 12, 2011  

    The age depends on how involved the parents are in the childs life. Facebook can be used as a tool to keep in touch with family & friends as well as playing games. If you monitor your child and what is going on I think kids younger than 18 can have a facebook account.

  • lisasamples By lisasamples
    on May 12, 2011  

    My son is young and has a facebook that I have 100 percent control over for ONLY family and our friends. He doesn't know how to sign on to it and I am there when he uses it to post his pictures and talk to family. He is 7 years old.

  • kwilty611 By kwilty611
    on May 12, 2011  

    I would never let a child on facebook. I have heard about cyber bullying and do not want to expose my child to it. Also, I want to know who they are talking to

  • musicmomma By musicmomma
    on May 12, 2011  

    I am so scared to face the day my small children are ready to become 'one' with the internet. There really is no way to stop it ...but I really am not looking forward to it at all.

  • kdmmertz By kdmmertz
    on May 12, 2011  

    My daughter is 12 and has had a FB account for almost a year now. Here's the reason I allowed it: I wanted control over it, plain and simple. This way I KNEW that she had an account and that she didn't go behind my back to set one up (which some of her other friends have done). I have her login and password, and I frequently log into her account to check her privacy settings. As a condition, I made it mandatory that she "friend" me, her father, her aunts, her grandparents, and her older cousins so that she has a number of eyes watching at any given time. Bottom gives me an opportunity to know exactly who her friends are and who she spends the most time with. In this day and age it can be a valuable parenting tool if used and monitored properly.

  • deespeaks By deespeaks
    on May 12, 2011  

    Kids are forced to grow up so quickly these days. How do you balance giving them what the other kids have and not instilling a sense of entitlement? Perhaps forcing them to wait until they are old enough to fully appreciate these privileges is an option?

  • sadra32 By sadra32
    on May 12, 2011  

    i think that by 13 is a good age to have a facebook but parents have to supervise.

  • melkuda By melkuda
    on May 12, 2011  

    I think it all depends on the child and how mature they are. I know some 13-15 year olds that are more mature than some of the 16-18 year olds. I personally monitor my teens fb account daily and it was set up by me. My teen is not allowed to accept any requests without my permission first and so far it has worked out well. People, as long as we look out for our children and don't let them off to find their own way they will be alright. If we set the example and be Responsible parents we can raise responsible kids.

  • Laraine27 By Laraine27
    on May 12, 2011  

    My niece just turned 13 and she has a facebook page. She has probably had it for a year, maybe 2 and I am SO shocked at the things she puts on there. I can't believe her mom allows some of the photos she has. She has a half sister who is only 8 and she has posted pics of them being very provocative. I think if she is to have a page thats fine but I think her mom needs to monitor it a little better. There should be restrictions for young teenagers. I know my almost 12 year old son won't have one anytime soon!