Is the economy affecting your waistline?

In times of stress, there tend to be two types of eaters: stress eaters--those who reach for comfort foods and eat more when they’re under pressure and stress starvers, those who lose their appetite altogether when times are tough.

For some women, the economic downturn has forced them to tighten their wallets at the supermarket. In these cases, less money can often mean less healthy food choices. For other women, financial stress means less socializing around food, less takeout and less intake in general. In either case, many women are seeing the scale tip one way or the other.

Has your waistline changed as a result of economic challenges? If so, why?

Yes, I've gained weight: less expensive foods tend to be higher in calories. (27.6%)

Yes, I eat more/less when I'm stressed. (31.1%)

Yes, I'm working longer hours and not eating as well. (6.5%)

No, the economy has not affected my routine or my waistline. (34.7%)

Is the economy affecting your waistline?
  • MissyMoose By MissyMoose
    on Jul 23, 2009  

    I have been unemployed for 19 months and ir is very frustrating. Even though I am 64, I do not look it. Experience counts for nothing in the current economy. All I do is eat and send out resumes.

  • BusySquirrel By BusySquirrel
    on Jul 23, 2009  

    I took a little bit of a pay cut with a new job. I found that I can no longer afford to go wild at the grocery store. I find that often more healthy food is expensive. I don't always have the time to go to multiple places to shop either, say getting my produce cheaper at one location, boxed commercial product at another. I now eat a lot more pasta for lunches, and even leftover pasta for dinner to save a bit. Plus, at my job there is always food around. Normally, I would skip that and eat healthier food that I brought, but now it's less expensive to fill up on the available snacks. None too happy about my weight gain within a few months.

  • Britnev By Britnev
    on Jul 23, 2009  

    Even with the price of fruit and veggies going up we have found that by shopping at the local Saturday market really cuts down on the price plus the variety and freshness is so much better. We are able to get fruit and veggie that is in season, locally produced, organic plus we know where it comes from. There is even a 'egg' lady who sells the eggs her chickens produced. Cannot get much better than that!

  • renee195 By renee195
    on Jul 23, 2009  

    I have chronic medical conditions and must lose weight. I have lost 40lbs. since January 12, 2009. I must do this to thank Jesus for healing my mom and me of cancer.