Are you aware that Motrin (the pain reliever) recently ran (and pulled) advertisements that were controversial?

Recently, the pain relief medication, Motrin, ran an online ad on the company’s website. It was about “baby wearing” — i.e. carrying a child in a sling or a wrap, rather than pushing them in a stroller or carrying them in your arms. 

Moms did not respond well to the ad. They were offended that Motrin suggested that they carry their babies as a "fashion accessory" and that it was not necessarily good to carry their babies around.  Clearly the point of the ad was to show that carrying your baby might cause back pain and that Motrin should be your solution.

Motrin responded by pulling the ads.  We were curious how many people actually were aware of this?  Were you aware?  What was your take on this?

Yes (9.8%)

No (90.2%)

Are you aware that Motrin (the pain reliever) recently ran (and pulled) advertisements that were controversial?
  • mommamonster By mommamonster
    on Dec 15, 2008  

    Never saw it, but I knew it was going on. Typical 'do as I say, not as I do' attitude. Those that live an alternative lifestyle can slander the mainstream all they want, but the minute they feel slighted there's an uproar. The commercial implied babywearing can hurt your back. Well...guess what!! It does if you aren't doing it right, or using a bad carrier! Oh dare someone show that instead of go on and on about how superior it is. If it wasn't painful there wouldn't be babywearing groups just to show moms how to use and chose carriers to avoid the pain!

  • JennaQu By JennaQu
    on Dec 15, 2008  

    Well, I guess I'm in the minority here. Lol! I'm wondering if the previous people saw the ad. I'm not a true "baby wearer" but I do use a wrap and a Snugli on occasion. Anyhow, I did see the ad, and quite frankly it was very condescending. I saw the point of the ad, but the way it was portrayed was almost like people who wear their babies are crazy. I took 2 minutes of my time and emailed Motrin to tell them that the ad just wasn't appropriate for their target audience. Many baby wearing moms would have been offended and rightly so in my opinion. I'm glad Motrin pulled the ad. I should also mention that I got a very polite email back from Motrin telling me that they were pulling the ads. I feel like they responded quickly and appropriately.

  • tigpooh1516 By tigpooh1516
    on Dec 15, 2008  

    Wow, I had not heard that. I don't think that sounds bad at all. Obviously people just overreacy\t to things that are sensitive to them. I actually liked babywearing, but I think people should take it or leave it--don't get so upset.

  • peetred By peetred
    on Dec 15, 2008  

    I need motrin just for having children. LOL. sorry I just had to throw that in. I love my kids but they sure do give me backaches and headaches.

  • oliliak By oliliak
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I didn't see the ads, but sounds like people overreacted to it. And I see moms/dads carrying babies on a wrap regularly in the neighborhood.

  • gbiffle16racegrl By gbiffle16racegrl
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    It's true Baby Carriers can hurt your back, I actually developed serious back problems from misusing a baby carrier. I don't think Motrin was out of place by running this ad. People are so quick to try and be a victim today. I thought we were all grown women. People need to quite nagging & trying to degrade companies for their ad's and grow up!!! Stop overreacting. Motrin shouldn't have felt the need to pull that ad.

  • wlindsey0421 By wlindsey0421
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    Well one good thing that comes with controverial ads is free publicity... Motrin is now in the spotlight, like Tylenol, or Greenies for Dogs.

  • DewGirl By DewGirl
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I never saw the ad, but I reallt think that there is a whole lot of over reacting to commercials and/or ads. With regards to this topic...isn't it a personal decision as to how you carry, push or wear your child. I feel there are alot more important things going on in the world than this...

  • ttrue88 By ttrue88
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I'm reading other comments and thinking Baby wearing moms? How more ridiculous can we get? I did not see the ad but this sounds silly. I'm glad people at Motrin were so sensitive and did not want to offend but com'on, have you seen a AXE commercial? They should be pulled before an asprin ad.

  • trista17pluto By trista17pluto
    on Dec 16, 2008  

    I think the whole thing is an overreaction. People can waste so much time on unimportant things. We should be protesting the state of our education system. Just my 2 cents.