Does John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate make you more likely to vote for him?

Sarah Palin is John McCain's choice for VP running mate.  This will be a historic election!  The US will either have our first African American President or our first female Vice President!

What do you think of McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate?  Does it make you more likely to vote for him?

Yes (40.9%)

No (45.6%)

Not sure - need to learn more (13.5%)

Does John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate make you more likely to vote for him?
  • amethystjewel By amethystjewel
    on Sep 04, 2008  

    I am convinced McCain has choosen Palin as a political ploy and find it very insulting. It is obvious he is trying to lure the undecided Women voters, especially those that were so supportive of Hillary. I am shocked Palin has allowed herself to be used in this matter by her party. However, I find it more disturbing that McCain would choose someone lacking in experience for such a powerful and important position.

  • dkmlam By dkmlam
    on Sep 04, 2008  

    I feel like having chosen Palin is just really slapping women in the face. This just puts McCain as being the nasty old man. He is just using her. Too bad Oprah and Dr. Phil aren't in the running.

  • maryhardin By maryhardin
    on Sep 04, 2008  

    McCain/Palin all the way.

    I do not understand how anyone could justify voting for Obama. The man is an empty suit, with no experience, who has never done anything in the Sentate (not authored a single bill), and who has not answered a single question on issues since the campaign began.

    It amazes me that people would vote for this losing ticket.....

  • pamg5023 By pamg5023
    on Sep 04, 2008  

    I'm not really happy with any of the candidate. I feel that the election of the Republican candidate can possibly set Women's Rights back 50 years. Do we really want to lose our right to choose? Do we really want to send our daughters out in the world with no sex education? What the Republicans represent is a step back in time when women feared make choices. Lets not return to the 1950s state of mind.

  • jen8763 By jen8763
    on Sep 04, 2008  

    I wish Hillary would jump in as an Independent! Then we would have someone to vote for!

  • mysunshine_arm By mysunshine_arm
    on Sep 04, 2008  

    I wasn't going to vote for him anyway and having Ms. Palin isn't going to convince me otherwise. She maybe a women but she isn't Hillary!

  • 1hotlilmama By 1hotlilmama
    on Sep 04, 2008  

    McCain is going to win, no doubt in my mind. Palin only makes him stronger. She's awesome...and by the way, he didn't pick her just because she's a women. Sorry left wing, you just lost!

  • ladyalexis215 By ladyalexis215
    on Sep 04, 2008  


  • cruiser4 By cruiser4
    on Sep 04, 2008  

    Regardless of whether or not we are happy with either candidate, we have to vote for who we feel would be best to run our country. I am not decided on who I am voting for, however, at this point I am leaning to John McCain. It has nothing to do with Sarah Palin, however, I do like her and think she would be great as VP. So far, I am not impressed with Obama. He needs to do a lot more convincing to get my vote.

  • susiejwp By susiejwp
    on Sep 04, 2008  

    I like Sarah Palin and think she would bring a breath of fresh air AND a level head to the white house. I respect her for her values and for being a strong woman, a mother and a caring individual as well. She was a good choice and one that I think will cause a lot of people to vote for McCain. As for me, they both have my vote and my blessings too!