What back-to-school items have you bought for your kids this year?

What supplies do you usually buy - are you buying the same or different supplies this year?

Clothes and/or shoes (42.9%)

Computer or other electronic device (14.4%)

Work supplies, i.e., notebooks, pencils, binders (57.1%)

Protective supplies, i.e., masks, hand sanitizer (57.1%)

Backpack and/or lunch box (28.5%)

Other (leave a comment) (0.0%)

I didn't buy my kids back-to-school supplies (0.0%)

I don't have kids/My kids aren't of school age (42.9%)

What back-to-school items have you bought for your kids this year?
  • CourtneyKay31 By CourtneyKay31
    on Aug 31, 2020  

    Purchasing masks was a large added expense this year