Many cities and restaurants are banning plastic straws, plastic bags and other single-use plastics because of the impact on the environment. What do you think?

What items would be hard to live without? What would be easy to give up?

Thumbs up! We can live without single-use plastic. And we should. (84.2%)

Thumbs down! It's so convenient, it would be hard to live without. (15.8%)

Many cities and restaurants are banning plastic straws, plastic bags and other single-use plastics because of the impact on the environment. What do you think?
  • redmouse710 By redmouse710
    on Jun 25, 2018  

    I'm fine with banning plastic bags. I have a million of them taking up space in my house. But straws and utensils can only be used once, so restaurants should provide plastic ones.

  • AnnieL30 By AnnieL30
    on Jun 26, 2018  

    I agree with redmouse 710 about the plastic utensils; It would seem unreasonable not to offer utensils with a meal. As for plastic bags, we reuse them for everything from taking lunches to school/work, ad hoc deep conditioning caps, tie up soiled diapers, dispose of garbage, etc. We typically use reusable bags for about 70% of our goods, and that last 30% that requires plastic bags, is where we rely on reuse. Also, most stores around us offer plastic bag recycling recepticles.

  • Cameka7 By Cameka7
    on Jun 27, 2018  

    It's a good idea. We only get one Earth and we should take care of it. So what! Plastic is convenient yes but at the cost of the environment and our health. As far as utensils, either wait until you get the food home or est in the restaurant.