Thursday, April 26 is Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day but many parents don't have jobs where they can bring kids. Do you think this day is still relevant?

Will you - or did you ever - bring a child to work?

Yes, it's a great day! (25.1%)

No, it's just not accessible enough (25.1%)

Not sure. It's a good idea but follow-thru needs to be improved (50.0%)

Thursday, April 26 is Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day but many parents don't have jobs where they can bring kids. Do you think this day is still relevant?
  • JanuaryGrayz By JanuaryGrayz
    on Apr 25, 2018  

    Nice idea, but I've experienced times in the past, where the child just gets put with the lowest person on the totem pole and really doesn't get to see what Mom or Dad do. Many jobs would be unsafe to bring a child to, such as manufacturing etc.

  • cupcakequeen1014 By cupcakequeen1014
    on Apr 28, 2018  

    If you have a career were you are able to bring ur kid to work I think it be a great idea