What did the tooth fairy leave your children when they lost their most recent teeth?

Did the tooth fairy leave any hints, like notes or "footsteps"?

Less than $1.00 (11.1%)

$1-2 (50.0%)

$3-5 (11.1%)

$5-9 (11.1%)

$10 or more (0.0%)

She left a gift instead of money (5.6%)

It's been so long, I can't remember! (0.0%)

No tooth fairy has visited our house (11.1%)

What did the tooth fairy leave your children when they lost their most recent teeth?
  • Annamarie1642 By Annamarie1642
    on Nov 14, 2017  

    I believe and teach small amounts have huge rewards

  • Mlorenz By Mlorenz
    on Nov 14, 2017  

    It means alot to a child to think that a tooth fairy would take the time to trade money for thier tooth