A recent study found that while 82% of Americans did chores as a child, only 28% of them are giving chores to their kids. Who did/does more chores - you or your kids?

What specific chores were on your to-do list? Which do your children do?

I did more chores as a kid than my child does (31.3%)

My child does more chores than I did as a kid (12.5%)

It's about the same (43.8%)

I don't have a child/My child isn't old enough yet to do chores (12.5%)

A recent study found that while 82% of Americans did chores as a child, only 28% of them are giving chores to their kids. Who did/does more chores - you or your kids?
  • Justmissash By Justmissash
    on Jan 28, 2015  

    I have problems relinquishing control. I suffer from OCD and have to have things done myself. Lol. Also I love doing things for my family. My kids do take out garbage, clean their rooms, help put away dishes and stuff. Little things here and there, but I think I did a lot more. I had chores including garbages, dusting, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping and mopping, setting table and putting away dishes, etc

  • Autumnkat By Autumnkat
    on Jan 29, 2015  

    When my daughter was a girl, I gave her chores to do like cleaning her room,setting the table, picking up her dishes from meals, & making her bed. My parents never made my brother and me do chores, 'though I don't know why. There's nothing wrong with giving kids age-appropriate tasks to perform. On my own, I would set the table (I especially enjoyed doing that at holidays), make my bed, or clean the house. I always liked the satisfaction in doing a task (I still do).