The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children engage in no more than 1-2 hours of entertainment media per day. Which of the following statements about screen time do you AGREE with?


1-2 hours per day of TV for a child is ok (72.7%)

Children should not watch any TV during the week (9.1%)

TV is ok for children only if it is educational (13.6%)

Time playing electronic games (such as on an iPad) is better for children than TV (9.1%)

Watching TV is better than playing electronic games (0.0%)

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children engage in no more than 1-2 hours of entertainment media per day. Which of the following statements about screen time do you AGREE with?
  • d1_dawn By d1_dawn
    on Oct 16, 2013  

    Depends on show and or type of electronics !

  • Autumnkat By Autumnkat
    on Oct 17, 2013  

    When my daughter was in elementary/middle school, we'd give her 2 hours a day to "spend" however she wanted. She enjoyed computer games and had favorite TV shows. If she wanted to watch an evening TV show, then she knew she couldn't play on the computer until supper. Of course, my husband and I had to approve of what she watched on TV and what computer games she played. She learned young how to budget her time. And many days, she didn't play computer games or watch TV at all--she chose to read till bedtime. (Her reading time wasn't counted into the 1-2 hours of entertainment time. She was encouraged to read as much as she wanted until bedtime.)

  • Britnev By Britnev
    on Oct 17, 2013  

    Let's face it, TV is a part of life or at least most of our lives and a little in moderation doesn't hurt anybody. In fact, it can be quite educational and interesting. I see nothing wrong with children watching an hour or two per day however that would be my limit. I think the electronic game fad is what has really captured a lot of children and that is the actual culprit.