Does a makeup company's policy on animal-testing impact your decision to buy from them?


I never buy makeup that has been tested on animals (27.8%)

I prefer not to buy animal-tested products but I sometimes do (34.9%)

Testing products on animals is not a concern for me (9.3%)

I'm unaware of make-up companies' policies about animal testing (27.8%)

Does a makeup company's policy on animal-testing impact your decision to buy from them?
  • jellybird By jellybird
    on May 09, 2013  

    i buy makeup that is not tested on animals all the time

  • didama By didama
    on May 09, 2013  

    If someone told me that there were two options for makeup purchase and one was tested on animals and one was not, I would buy the one that was not even if it cost more. The problem is that I have a pretty low awareness for companies with practices like this.