Have you ever donated to a project through a crowdfunding website such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo?

Which projects have you given money to?

Yes, I have donated (6.2%)

I haven't donated yet, but I would (29.1%)

No, I wouldn't donate (4.2%)

I am not familiar with crowdfunding websites (60.4%)

Have you ever donated to a project through a crowdfunding website such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo?
  • PurpleLady123 By PurpleLady123
    on May 01, 2013  

    Though I am not familiar with crowdfunding websites yet, I hope to become more knowledgeable about them soon. I am in the process of developing an existing non-profit organization and receiving funding from a source like this would go a long way toward helping the organization reach out to the community that it is seeking to help.

  • PepGiraffe By PepGiraffe
    on May 01, 2013  

    I've done at least five different Kickstarter programs.