What does a "natural soda" mean to you? Have you tried any natural sodas? What did you like or dislike about them?
No artificial sweeteners (68.5%)
No high fructose corn syrup (61.8%)
No artificial flavors (66.7%)
Low calorie (34.2%)
No caffeine (23.6%)
Other (tell us what you think on the next page!) (2.2%)
I didn't realize I was drinking a natural soda until my co-worker told me it was. I loved it and couldn't tell a difference. It was Izze...yum!
We are in LOVE w/ Izze and also had no idea it was a natural soda. Hmm, it makes me feel better about what my family is drinking now! :)
caloriz r mor important...de les calorz de mor u'll fit
Artificial Colors and Sweeteners are the things I would like to see removed from all products, they are unnecessary and contain chemicals which over a long period of time can react with carcinogens in your body to bring on and accelerate cancer.
It does not neccesarily mean that the less calories that something has the worse. It depends somethings are good for you like cashew and those are high calories. There is no need for articfical sweenters they can make you gain weight and why go through the whole process when you can go natural. I think that food and drinks with unhealthy STUFF should cost more than natural because you go through a long process to put all that extra stuff in that bad for you. What a shame, where has our country gone to.
Did you know that because high fructose corn syrup is made from corn that it is considered a natural ingredient! I think this is awful. I've learned to read labels very carefully. I would like more choices for healthier drinks and foods.
At this point sooner or later everything is going to be bad for us. So sad...
I wish natural foods were as readily available and as inexpensive as all the junky processed foods, it would be easier to teach kids the proper way to eat.
I would like a natural drink to also taste great.
It is too bad that trying to be healthy is so much more expensive!