Are you worried about aging?

Its a new year and many of you have told us that you are looking forward getting in shape and taking better care of yourselves.  So, we were curious, are you starting to think about aging and potential anti-aging options?  If so, please tell us what you're considering.

We would love to hear your thoughts!

Yes (59.6%)

No (19.5%)

Not yet, but I know that I will be soon! (20.9%)

Are you worried about aging?
  • steffie By steffie
    on Jan 18, 2011  

    I am so worried about aging. My mom has aged so well so this should bode well for me. Unfortunately, I already look older than she did at my age and I've "sunned" much more than my mom ever did. Now, of course, I'm worried! I'm not sure what kind of procedures I'd be willing to pursue though. Going under the knife is way too scary for me.

  • sassysherry By sassysherry
    on Jan 18, 2011  

    I' m a little concerned about the wrinkles under the eyes. The weight gain going into the 40's.I would like to get a natural product that doesn't have any chemical but is all natural especially for sensitve skin. As for the weight gain, find a natural product as well .

  • pmfleck By pmfleck
    on Jan 18, 2011  

    I am definately worried about looking older. So far the wrinkles have not started, but being in my early 40's, I know it will happen soon. I hope to find natural products, not harsh chemicals, and no knife.

  • bensmomma86 By bensmomma86
    on Jan 18, 2011  

    I do not go tanning and I do not party excessively. I eat right and exercise and I take care of my skin. So yes i will age but so far I have aged gracefully so as long as I keep up the good work I will not worry about aging.

  • basilandcatnip By basilandcatnip
    on Jan 18, 2011  

    Lots of SPF, always cleanse and moisturize face at bedtime, try to sleep on back not to mush face into pillow, lots of fresh fruits & veggies, try to stay postive, warm not hot showers, wear sunglasses, stay out of the wind, don't smoke, watch my weight and my general overall health, see the dermatologist for skin checks, prayer, treat myself on occassion, get the best products for my skin that I can afford. Stay active and involved. Do volunteer work. Think frisky thoughts. Sit in and relax in peaceful, beautiful places. And try to keep my concerns about aging in check, it's a fact of life and you can make it as graceful or a brutal as you let it.

  • suze227 By suze227
    on Jan 19, 2011  

    Yes, because I am fair skinned and go in the sun very seldom now, yet I see the signs coming. Plus everyone keeps telling me I am beginning to look more like my mother and she is very wrinkled.

  • Mikimoto68 By Mikimoto68
    on Jan 19, 2011  

    Wrinkles and growing old are inevitable. I refuse to buy into Olay's anti-aging rhetoric which saturates the mass media. Anti-aging body wash? Give me a break. The media makes aging sound like a disease or a contest to see who can look the youngest with or without plastic surgery. If you take care of yourself and live life to the fullest you'll look good and feel good! Aging will be the last thing on your mind. I love that there are women out there who don't cut their hair short simply because they reach a certain age. When I think of aging the only thing that worries me is having enough time to do everything I want before my time is up. :)

  • Oliveira By Oliveira
    on Jan 19, 2011  

    If someone asked me last year would I be worried about aging, I would have been quick to say, I find wrinkles and gray hair appealing and that I am at peace with aging. However, when I started to noticed wrinkles on New Year's Eve, I panicked ( a little, maybe a lot more than I expected). I was shocked to see my reaction. I am not against going under the night, but personally, and now, I am not considering it. It is so not perfect. We will never have the same soft young skin again. When I looked at celebrities who have gone under the knife up close, their skin is bumpy and so unnatural and I do not want to look like that. This is why, I have started a skin regimen and routine. And, so be it in few years. But I am enjoying the skin that I have now and I celebrate that every day by taking good care of it.

  • lacubanita01 By lacubanita01
    on Jan 19, 2011  

    Woman nowadays are very concerned with aging due to a strong influence of the media. Celebrities are pressured into having plastic surgery or the next treatment that makes one look youthful. It is ridiculous that they look younger at 47 then when they were 27. Unfortunately they are creating this stigmatism that woman have to look younger as they mature. It makes it hard for us woman who don't have 25 million dollars in our bank account to have botox injections weekly and become a guinea pig to the newest plastic surgery. I personally don't think there is nothing wrong with us woman aging gracefully and wearing our wrinkles or crows feet with pride.

  • Autumnkat By Autumnkat
    on Jan 19, 2011  

    I see nothing wrong with looking older as one grows older. I rather feel bad for women, especially, who have to spend lots of money on plastic surgery, botox, etc. because they don't like what they see in the mirror. I have been lucky. I come from a family of women with good skin. And, like my mom and grandmom did before me, I've been taking good care of my skin since I've been a teen. Am I proud of the fact that I am nearly 57 but have few lines and no wrinkles on my face? You betcha! But I am more proud that my skin looks healthy because I don't go out without sunscreen or moisturizer.