It always feels good to buy environmentally-friendly products, and there are great new green products showing up on store shelves every day. However, green products are often more expensive, and it’s tough to spend extra money on green products during troubled economic times.
How has your spending on environmentally-friendly products changed since the recession began? Are you still likely to spend a little more to help the environment, or is it just too expensive these days? Does it depend on the product?...maybe you still purchase green cleaning products and organic foods, but aren’t spending more on energy-saving appliances?
Let us know!
More "green" products - It's more important than ever to make environmentally-friendly purchases (23.3%)
The same - The economy hasn't changed my spending on green products (39.1%)
Fewer "green" products - Green products are often more expensive and I can't afford it these days (29.3%)
N/A - I don't purchase "green" products (8.2%)
There are so many new generic environmentally-friendly cleaners, like at Costco, and I like to buy those whenever i can. Same with new store-brand organic foods at the grocery store. I have started to clean my bathroom with baking soda and lemon juice too. It doesn't have that nice fresh scent like the regular cleaners, but i figure that scent was fake anyway!
I rarely think of purchasing green products and they seem to be so much more expensive
I try to buy green whenever I can,But would love to see samples so that more people are willing to purchase them more often.
I would like to go green but it cost a little more and I don't have that right now.
I usually purchase when I have a coupon and the product is on sale.
its appears going green cost alot more WOW!
I still try to find products that are not only affordable, but that are "green" and effective. Not always easy to do, but I try. There are a lot of coupons out there right now that help.
I make my own products to save money and only buy the things that will last longer, like light bulbs. I need to save money and doing this is a great way to do it with a conscience. I have also started to save our aluminum cans, this is a great way for my kids to recycle. We use bags for groceries and I give them the money I would spend if they invent a way to save money around the house.
I dont buy green because they are much more expensive but i think it is necessary to start buying those products so we dont damage the enviroment so much.
I try to be green but they are usually more expensive so i'm buying less green products these days.However i do all the green activities such as using reuseable totes when i shop & i recycle everything! I do alot more but too many to list :)