The summer is officially here! This is usually a time for many of us to hit the road and take those long awaited summer vacations. However, the economic situation is having some rethink their summer vacation plans and anticipated spending. Are you reconsidering summer plans due to the economic environment? If so, what will you plan to do instead?
Yes (54.4%)
No (23.6%)
Maybe, I haven't decided yet (22.0%)
It is just getting really hard to make it as it is. Saving money is what we are trying to do. Everyone is getting layed off and my husband works in the coalmines and everyday there laying off. I hope soon things will just getting better. Thank the Lord above that he still has a job.
Pay cuts and lay offs bite!
We will be doing tons locally.I have been amazed at how much there is to do locally that we never considered before,it's more trhan enough to keep us busy this summer!
This year we will visit more attractions near us...and when you sit down and research all the different activities in your area you will be amazed!!!! I am excited for a summer of fun!!
I saved up money to vacation this year. I've earned it and I am taking it! Besides I live in Florida, there are tons of "vacation destinations" close by!
Being outsourced after 22 years and living in an area with high unemployment, I have to live frugally. Won't be indulging this year.
I always look forward to the every year I make sure I plan my budget very well so my family will still have fun regardless of the economy.
My husband is retiring at the end of this month...I am already retired...we have always saved and planned for this, and we WILL travel, even more than we used to before...
We wont be vacationing because we try to save our money
When one is layed off......we have more important things we need to do with the money we have.