EL James 50 Shades of Grey

EL James 50 Shades of Grey

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177 Reviews 3.6/5 stars
72% Recommended
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I really liked these book. I thought they were very entertaining. I have been telling all my girl friends they need to read them.

I really liked these book. I thought they were very entertaining. I have been telling all my girl friends they need to read them.

I really liked these book. I thought they were very entertaining. I have been telling all my girl friends they need to read them.

I absolutely loved the trilogy and finished it in record time- I'm not even a regular reader. Several of my coworkers have read it now as well and now we all sit waiting anxiously for the movie to come out!

I absolutely loved the trilogy and finished it in record time- I'm not even a regular reader. Several of my coworkers have read it now as well and now we all sit waiting anxiously for the movie to come out!

I absolutely loved the trilogy and finished it in record time- I'm not even a regular reader. Several of my coworkers have read it now as well and now we all sit waiting anxiously for the movie to come out!

Loved the books! A lot different from my normal reading material. Spiced up my marriage for sure.

Loved the books! A lot different from my normal reading material. Spiced up my marriage for sure.

Loved the books! A lot different from my normal reading material. Spiced up my marriage for sure.

I loved all 3 books. They were given to me as a gift for my birthday and I read them in a week. I just couldn't put them down. These books are not for everyone, but if you have an open mind I highly recommend reading them.

I loved all 3 books. They were given to me as a gift for my birthday and I read them in a week. I just couldn't put them down. These books are not for everyone, but if you have an open mind I highly recommend reading them.

I loved all 3 books. They were given to me as a gift for my birthday and I read them in a week. I just couldn't put them down. These books are not for everyone, but if you have an open mind I highly recommend reading them.

I too read this because of all the hype. It's a sad state of affairs when a book this poorly written, redundant, and ridiculous becomes this popular. I read the first one and that was enough to make not want to read any of her books after that. I read a lot of various genres including erotica and there are plenty of books out there that have more substance, fluent writing, and more descriptive scenes. It's too bad that so many people consider this great literature.

I too read this because of all the hype. It's a sad state of affairs when a book this poorly written, redundant, and ridiculous becomes this popular. I read the first one and that was enough to make not want to read any of her books after that. I read a lot of various genres including erotica and there are plenty of books out there that have more substance, fluent writing, and more descriptive scenes. It's too bad that so many people consider this great literature.

I too read this because of all the hype. It's a sad state of affairs when a book this poorly written, redundant, and ridiculous becomes this popular. I read the first one and that was enough to make not want to read any of her books after that. I read a lot of various genres including erotica and there are plenty of books out there that have more substance, fluent writing, and more descriptive scenes. It's too bad that so many people consider this great literature.

I really liked this beginning book - I have read all 3. It is a very addicting/fast read. I enjoyed it - it was a sort of break from reality.

I really liked this beginning book - I have read all 3. It is a very addicting/fast read. I enjoyed it - it was a sort of break from reality.

I really liked this beginning book - I have read all 3. It is a very addicting/fast read. I enjoyed it - it was a sort of break from reality.

I loved this trilogy! It's a fun escape and an easy read. No the writing is not the best in the world, but you get caught up in the characters quickly and it doesn't matter anymore. Was very sad when I finished book 3 because I thought, "And what do I do now?!"

I loved this trilogy! It's a fun escape and an easy read. No the writing is not the best in the world, but you get caught up in the characters quickly and it doesn't matter anymore. Was very sad when I finished book 3 because I thought, "And what do I do now?!"

I loved this trilogy! It's a fun escape and an easy read. No the writing is not the best in the world, but you get caught up in the characters quickly and it doesn't matter anymore. Was very sad when I finished book 3 because I thought, "And what do I do now?!"

I'm only about half way throughthe first book. So far I have to say that I am a little dissapointed. It's almost like watching a poorly made movie. It is very predictable and the characters are a little shallow. I guess because I'm a strong willed woman, and the idea that a rich, gorgeous man can overpower a woman's will and make her all giddy, is not that attractive to me. I like stories about women who are strong and make things happen without the help of a man. I think I will keep reading to see if Ana ends up on top (pun intended)!

I'm only about half way throughthe first book. So far I have to say that I am a little dissapointed. It's almost like watching a poorly made movie. It is very predictable and the characters are a little shallow. I guess because I'm a strong willed woman, and the idea that a rich, gorgeous man can overpower a woman's will and make her all giddy, is not that attractive to me. I like stories about women who are strong and make things happen without the help of a man. I think I will keep reading to see if Ana ends up on top (pun intended)!

I'm only about half way throughthe first book. So far I have to say that I am a little dissapointed. It's almost like watching a poorly made movie. It is very predictable and the characters are a little shallow. I guess because I'm a strong willed woman, and the idea that a rich, gorgeous man can overpower a woman's will and make her all giddy, is not that attractive to me. I like stories about women who are strong and make things happen without the help of a man. I think I will keep reading to see if Ana ends up on top (pun intended)!

This book was amazing! It had me entranced from the moment I started reading it. I haven't been this obsessed with a series since Stephen King's The Green Mile. I can't wait to see if there will actually be a movie!

This book was amazing! It had me entranced from the moment I started reading it. I haven't been this obsessed with a series since Stephen King's The Green Mile. I can't wait to see if there will actually be a movie!

This book was amazing! It had me entranced from the moment I started reading it. I haven't been this obsessed with a series since Stephen King's The Green Mile. I can't wait to see if there will actually be a movie!

I wanted to read these since I heard so much about them. I'm glad that I listened to a friend and gave it a try. I keep this review to this book strictly and not include the other books in the trilogy since I've read them all. I usually don't read this kind of stuff but I really enjoyed this book. It couldn't put it down and was so excited to start the second one once I finished. Its a bit far fetched if you ask me at how quickly it all moves and some parts get boring after reading it over and over but overall I think that book one was a good read. Not the best of the three books but not the worst of the three either.

I wanted to read these since I heard so much about them. I'm glad that I listened to a friend and gave it a try. I keep this review to this book strictly and not include the other books in the trilogy since I've read them all. I usually don't read this kind of stuff but I really enjoyed this book. It couldn't put it down and was so excited to start the second one once I finished. Its a bit far fetched if you ask me at how quickly it all moves and some parts get boring after reading it over and over but overall I think that book one was a good read. Not the best of the three books but not the worst of the three either.

I wanted to read these since I heard so much about them. I'm glad that I listened to a friend and gave it a try. I keep this review to this book strictly and not include the other books in the trilogy since I've read them all. I usually don't read this kind of stuff but I really enjoyed this book. It couldn't put it down and was so excited to start the second one once I finished. Its a bit far fetched if you ask me at how quickly it all moves and some parts get boring after reading it over and over but overall I think that book one was a good read. Not the best of the three books but not the worst of the three either.

I enjoyed all 3 books. Was disappointed with the ending

I enjoyed all 3 books. Was disappointed with the ending

I enjoyed all 3 books. Was disappointed with the ending

I really enjoyed these series. It was a bit over the top, but overall it was a fun read. I think we all can use a part of Christian Grey in our lives. Looking forward to the movie.

I really enjoyed these series. It was a bit over the top, but overall it was a fun read. I think we all can use a part of Christian Grey in our lives. Looking forward to the movie.

I really enjoyed these series. It was a bit over the top, but overall it was a fun read. I think we all can use a part of Christian Grey in our lives. Looking forward to the movie.

I too jumped on the bandwagon to see what all of the fuss was about. I have read the first book and have started second and plan to read the third. Its been fun reading something that all the girls at work are reading. I have enjoyed what I have read so far! The relationship between Ana & Christian is relate-able except for some of the kinky sex scenes. :) Can't wait to see how it all works out!

I too jumped on the bandwagon to see what all of the fuss was about. I have read the first book and have started second and plan to read the third. Its been fun reading something that all the girls at work are reading. I have enjoyed what I have read so far! The relationship between Ana & Christian is relate-able except for some of the kinky sex scenes. :) Can't wait to see how it all works out!

I too jumped on the bandwagon to see what all of the fuss was about. I have read the first book and have started second and plan to read the third. Its been fun reading something that all the girls at work are reading. I have enjoyed what I have read so far! The relationship between Ana & Christian is relate-able except for some of the kinky sex scenes. :) Can't wait to see how it all works out!

Just started reading the book. I must say i was a bit shocked. So different than i expected. All myfriends are raving about the series so im going to read on and hope it gets better. I had a hard time putting the book down though.

Just started reading the book. I must say i was a bit shocked. So different than i expected. All myfriends are raving about the series so im going to read on and hope it gets better. I had a hard time putting the book down though.

Just started reading the book. I must say i was a bit shocked. So different than i expected. All myfriends are raving about the series so im going to read on and hope it gets better. I had a hard time putting the book down though.

It is one of them books you can't put down. I read all three in four days. As for them making a movie, I think they should just leave the characters in the book. Not movie worthy.

It is one of them books you can't put down. I read all three in four days. As for them making a movie, I think they should just leave the characters in the book. Not movie worthy.

It is one of them books you can't put down. I read all three in four days. As for them making a movie, I think they should just leave the characters in the book. Not movie worthy.