Philips  Wake-up Light

Philips Wake-up Light

              Rated #44 in Electronics
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212 Reviews 4.4/5 stars
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I woke up before it came on for a week,However it works well,Its a great reading light too

Since using this product, I have woken up less groggy and feeling much better. I do have to say though I am still depending on my alarm on my cell phone to wake me up completely. I'm just so relaxed with this product, until my annoying alarm goes off. I will recommend this product to others as I can tell a big difference in my morning mood, so to me that makes it worth every penny:)

Waking up to get my daughter off to school has always been a jarring experience for me. Regular alarm clocks rarely worked because I could just hit snooze and roll over for more needed shuteye. But the Phillips Wake Up Light is changing my mornings in a dramatic way. Instead of a harsh beeping I now awaken to soft light and if that doesn't do it, my radio is set to a soft pop station to finish the job. I love the fact that I can set the level of light intensity to go with how important it is for me to get out of bed the next morning. I have already sang it's praises to many people. But, I can't give it five stars for two reasons. One, this light really isn't attractive. My bedroom is rustic in style and the Wake Up Light stands out like a sore thumb. Two, there is no way I could ever use the bird sound. But I do enjoy the radio very much. All of that said, when I recommend this to people I tell them about the Wake Up Light that you can download sounds to. I think for many it would be the preferred choice. As for me, I am very happy with my new "alarm" clock.

This is a great product that delivers on its promises. The light has a warm, soft, but bright quality that helps you feel more alert. I do not use this as an alarm clock on most days due to the difference in wake up time between me and my husband, but I still use it after we are both up to make us feel more awake. I took away one star for additional considerations that may not work for everyone. 1) The clock is big enough, so the distance away from the bed and having enough space to position it could be an issue -- I have a wall shelf instead of a night stand, so I had to find another spot a bit too far from the bed. 2) I see the charm of having the bird chirp sounds, etc., but I thought the alarm option sounds were too limited. Overall, a great product.

I love the product! The only thing I would say I don't like is the design! It is too big and bulky! I feel that I am waking up a whole lot easier by the gradual warm soft light that I can set personally to the importance of the day! I hated the loud buzzing noise that I have used over the years and I will continue to use this product from now on! Its all around a great combination of products and i will recommend and this to family and friends and I am going to be purchasing one for my mother who works 3rd shift. It will be great for her as she has a black out curtain on her window to help simulate the sun rise! I hope by the time I do purchase one for my mother they will have a smaller more sleek design! Thank you!

As with the rest of the reviews, it is rather large and bulky - but it seems solid and well built. I couldn't believe the difference in waking up in the morning. I feel more awake and seem to have more energy. Really like the product and would recommend to anyone having trouble getting out of bed.

We get up at two different times during the week. He gets up at 4:30am and I get up at 6am. Big difference when it comes to waking up. We first tried it for the 4:30 wake-up. The light was enough to wake me up and by the time the birds started going off he was up as well. It was much more pleasant than the normal alarm in the dark. I was much more awake than I wanted to be at 4:30 in the morning though. The off/snooze switch leaves something to be desired though. A little too much pressure will turn it off. I also wish there was a dual alarm feature that was standard on all models.

I, too am still getting used to it. My problem is that once the light start shining, I seem to fall into a deeper sleep and don't wake up until I want to shoot those cute little birds! Seriously though, I think, that once I'm used to it and the body clock is set properly, this is going to be great! I think with some people, there is a learning curve.

Great product, but I wish it were somewhat simpler to operate, with clearer instructions and buttons. Also, the design leaves a lot to be desired. it's very unattractive.

I have to admit I was skeptical about this. I usually don't have much of a problem waking up with my loud buzzer alarms. Our biggest issue was that I wake up earlier than my husband and it would annoy him. I liked the feature of the bird alarm and was eager to try it out. What I didn't expect was how the gradual brightness and alarm would work for both of us. I find that by mid brightness I am up and then as the light progresses and the alarm chirps my husband finds that the perfect time for him to wake up. I do feel a little more go get 'em in the morning but mostly I've found it's a gentler way to wake up. Good product!

It is very nice to be able to wake up gradually. I have to make sure to set it early enough to wake me, or my kids wake me up before the the light is at its fullest! I have not used the bird sounds. The unit itself is a bit bigger then I would like. The radio seems to work great. It is easy to use, and is much nicer to wake up to then an annoying, beeping alarm.

We've been using it a few weeks now. It was hard to learn how to set it up, it's not intuitive or set up like most other alarms. But once we got it working (and whenever we remember to turn it on at night) it's the best way to wake up at my house. I am happier, more awake, and more ready to start the day!

I have to get up every morning to wake my two older kids up at 5:45am every morning. I would be groggy and unpleasant most days. However, since I've been using the light, my mornings haven't been difficult. I slowly wake up and I have energy and accomplish more in my day. This is a GREAT product. I LOVE it. I wish I had the one that has the dimmer to go to sleep. I might invest in that one. Easy to use and the light isn't too harsh when it's fully on. Great job!

I love this Philips wake up light! I woke up easier and happier the first morning that I used it. I made sure to read the manual, and as other reviewers, set my IPhone as a backup alarm just in case. I set it to the brightest setting with the chirping birds as the alarm noise. Although I didn't wake up to the light, my husband did, and was pleasantly surprised. I woke up to the chirping birds, and though it was better than a beeping alarm, they sounded artificial. I do wish there were more options for sound choices. I enjoy using the wake up light as a reading lamp as well, it's soft enough that I can still read without straining my eyes and it doesn't bother my husband if he is trying to sleep. I enjoy the snooze bar which also turns the alarm off, but I would like it better if when I turned the alarm off the light turned off too. I'm giving the lamp 4 stars due to it's large size and limited sound options, but I will continue to use and enjoy this lamp as long as possible as I have noticed a difference in my attitude when waking.

I find the wake up light to be a much nicer way to start my day than my old jolting alarm clock. It really does ease me into wakefulness and I often wake up just before the alarm goes off, wonder why I'm awake and realize that it's the gradual lighting that has awakened me. I wish the light itself had a snooze feature and I'd love for their to be dual alarms, ipod docking, etc. Overall, I really enjoy it though and it's been a welcome change in my household.