EL James 50 Shades of Grey

EL James 50 Shades of Grey

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177 Reviews 3.6/5 stars
72% Recommended
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Part of my 5 star rating is based on all the hype, and in a good way- there aren't many females I run into that haven't read the book, or wanted to, and it certainly is something to talk about. Now, what I really must criticize is the poor reviews that state the writing is bad. Really people- you aren't reading Pride and Prejudice or the average English Literature doled out to you in high school! This was written to seem real, and the dialogue is real. Ana is an editor and I will admit that some words used were new to me, although used in context, I got the jist. Their email titles were entertaining and pretty realistic as we live in a modernized world. And it was erotica, but even in some harlequin novels I've read, the word nipple is used excessively. I mean, how many different ways can it be said? "Mommy porn," yeah, I admit that my husband enjoyed that I was reading the series, women aren't visual like men, and this book was just that for females (we use our brain?). When comparing to Twilight, I really don't see comparison. In most romance/erotica there are two main characters, and yes, the world revolves around them, but I did like the underlying plot. How many millionaires probably did have an "f'd" up childhood and survived only to prosper? Probably more than I'd like to believe. How is it that the man always has to do the fixing? I enjoyed the book, I recommend the book, and if I had to compare it to something, it wouldn't be Twilight, it would be the movie Pretty Woman- on steroids.

Part of my 5 star rating is based on all the hype, and in a good way- there aren't many females I run into that haven't read the book, or wanted to, and it certainly is something to talk about. Now, what I really must criticize is the poor reviews that state the writing is bad. Really people- you aren't reading Pride and Prejudice or the average English Literature doled out to you in high school! This was written to seem real, and the dialogue is real. Ana is an editor and I will admit that some words used were new to me, although used in context, I got the jist. Their email titles were entertaining and pretty realistic as we live in a modernized world. And it was erotica, but even in some harlequin novels I've read, the word nipple is used excessively. I mean, how many different ways can it be said? "Mommy porn," yeah, I admit that my husband enjoyed that I was reading the series, women aren't visual like men, and this book was just that for females (we use our brain?). When comparing to Twilight, I really don't see comparison. In most romance/erotica there are two main characters, and yes, the world revolves around them, but I did like the underlying plot. How many millionaires probably did have an "f'd" up childhood and survived only to prosper? Probably more than I'd like to believe. How is it that the man always has to do the fixing? I enjoyed the book, I recommend the book, and if I had to compare it to something, it wouldn't be Twilight, it would be the movie Pretty Woman- on steroids.

I loved this book so much that I couldn't wait to read the next two. I loved how the story was told by a young inexperienced girl who grows sexually with her new partner. The chemestry between the two is amazing, I could almost feel her butterflies.

I loved this book so much that I couldn't wait to read the next two. I loved how the story was told by a young inexperienced girl who grows sexually with her new partner. The chemestry between the two is amazing, I could almost feel her butterflies.

This book is pretty racy, but it is labeled erotica, so you know what you are getting into. There isn't very much depth to it, but it's great if you are looking for something to read after the Twilight series, etc. It serves as a great escape for a stay at home mom! The main character, Ana, grows with Christian in more ways than one, and he in turn, grows with her. A great read.

This book is pretty racy, but it is labeled erotica, so you know what you are getting into. There isn't very much depth to it, but it's great if you are looking for something to read after the Twilight series, etc. It serves as a great escape for a stay at home mom! The main character, Ana, grows with Christian in more ways than one, and he in turn, grows with her. A great read.

First, let me say that I am an avid reader. I read any and everything and I never start a book and don't finish ... until now. I just could not get into this book and halfway through it felt like more of a chore than anything enjoyable. I am still slowly trucking along but honestly after about 3 pages I stop concentrating. To me the plot is not at all captivating. This book does not hold my interest at all.

First, let me say that I am an avid reader. I read any and everything and I never start a book and don't finish ... until now. I just could not get into this book and halfway through it felt like more of a chore than anything enjoyable. I am still slowly trucking along but honestly after about 3 pages I stop concentrating. To me the plot is not at all captivating. This book does not hold my interest at all.

I was really curious about this book because of all the popular hype so I read it. It was really painful and terrible. I have nothing against the sex scenes but the writing was atrocious. I felt like I was reading some teenager girl's diary on her wildest fantasy and dream. The language was repetitive "Jeez", "Oh my", etc etc and it wasn't very original. It was basically Twilight with lots of sex. I also don't understand why it's so popular when there are other better written erotica novels out there. I started reading the second book of the trilogy and it's much better than the first. At least it doesn't put me to sleep like the first book!

I was really curious about this book because of all the popular hype so I read it. It was really painful and terrible. I have nothing against the sex scenes but the writing was atrocious. I felt like I was reading some teenager girl's diary on her wildest fantasy and dream. The language was repetitive "Jeez", "Oh my", etc etc and it wasn't very original. It was basically Twilight with lots of sex. I also don't understand why it's so popular when there are other better written erotica novels out there. I started reading the second book of the trilogy and it's much better than the first. At least it doesn't put me to sleep like the first book!

I absolutely luv this triology!!! I read them in a week & a half. It was very engulfing. I have told my friends & family members about them. The books are not just about sex or sexual acts, they tell a captivating story.

I absolutely luv this triology!!! I read them in a week & a half. It was very engulfing. I have told my friends & family members about them. The books are not just about sex or sexual acts, they tell a captivating story.

Got first chapter fee on e-reader read half way into it and wondered how it was even published. The writing was worse in description and flow than the worst fanfic I've ever read. P.S. I'm a picky reader like challenge vocabulary.

Got first chapter fee on e-reader read half way into it and wondered how it was even published. The writing was worse in description and flow than the worst fanfic I've ever read. P.S. I'm a picky reader like challenge vocabulary.

I love,love this book! It's very intense and so exciting.

I love,love this book! It's very intense and so exciting.

I read the whole series and while I did find it entertaining, I am not sure what all the fuss is about either. Yes, the sex scenes are steamy and inventive, but one can find steamy sex scenes in a lot of books that are much better written. The first book is the most poorly written, with stock phrases that are liberally sprinkled throughout the book. Everytime someone "cocked their head to one side", I wanted to throw the Kindle! That said, the story does draw you in and you want to find out what makes Christian tick. I think it has become such a hit because it is basically a porn novel that has hit mainstream and become "acceptable".

I read the whole series and while I did find it entertaining, I am not sure what all the fuss is about either. Yes, the sex scenes are steamy and inventive, but one can find steamy sex scenes in a lot of books that are much better written. The first book is the most poorly written, with stock phrases that are liberally sprinkled throughout the book. Everytime someone "cocked their head to one side", I wanted to throw the Kindle! That said, the story does draw you in and you want to find out what makes Christian tick. I think it has become such a hit because it is basically a porn novel that has hit mainstream and become "acceptable".

I found that this book gave me just the kind of escape I needed. It was romantic, erotic, humorous, mature, and thought-provoking. In my humble opinion it was steamy without being sleazy. Have already downloaded the next two to my Nook!!

I found that this book gave me just the kind of escape I needed. It was romantic, erotic, humorous, mature, and thought-provoking. In my humble opinion it was steamy without being sleazy. Have already downloaded the next two to my Nook!!

Quick and easy read.....nice "escape" from reality.

Quick and easy read.....nice "escape" from reality.

I loved the books. It's a fun escape. It's a quick easy read. I really enjoyed it. I did recommend it to my friends.

I loved the books. It's a fun escape. It's a quick easy read. I really enjoyed it. I did recommend it to my friends.

I just finished the first book and was not impressed. I agree with the comments that the book is not very well written, which can take away from the scenes. Most of the time I wanted to shake Ana and yell what is wrong with you. Eventhough she started as an early 20-something year old virgin, I just cannot see how she could be so naive.

I just finished the first book and was not impressed. I agree with the comments that the book is not very well written, which can take away from the scenes. Most of the time I wanted to shake Ana and yell what is wrong with you. Eventhough she started as an early 20-something year old virgin, I just cannot see how she could be so naive.

I LOVED these books. I really hated to see it end. I got the first one from a friend and only had to pay for the last two. As much as I loved them, they seemed over priced. Rarely do I have to pay $10 for a book.

I LOVED these books. I really hated to see it end. I got the first one from a friend and only had to pay for the last two. As much as I loved them, they seemed over priced. Rarely do I have to pay $10 for a book.

I really like these books! I think anyone with an open mind should definitely read them.

I really like these books! I think anyone with an open mind should definitely read them.