Pillow Pets Pillow Pets

Pillow Pets Pillow Pets

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My children love their pillow pets. They use them while they are watching tv. And they are all so cute. The only problem is they always want to buy a different one

Both my girls, aged 4 and 16 months, have two pillow pets. My oldest has 2 unicorns and my youngest has one large ladybug and one small ladybug. The oldest plays with them sometimes and even rarer lays with them. Mostly she considers them stuffed animals so they sit with all her others. She likes them a lot, but she isn't using them all the time. Not even when she first got them. The baby sleeps with the big one and small one. She plays with the small one sometimes too. She likes to toss it around mostly making faces at it and baby talking to it.

My kids each have one. They are so soft that my husband often tries to steal it!

My daughter loves her dog and her unicorn pillow pets. They are soft and cuddly, she tries to use they both at the same time but it dont work too good as a pillow. The unicorn is her favorite of the two since she is a girly-girl and loves anything that is pink or purple and has to due with princesses. But they do cost a little more that I would like.

They are overpriced unless you find them on sale. My son has a dreagon one which he sometimes will play with. Mostly, it sits on his bed but sometimes he'll cuddle with it at bedtime. It is cute.

my baby girl made me by this at first and i was like no and she cry so wen i got it she was like happy and sleep with it and everything she goes and does it her fave thing to habe wen wer out lol

My daughter like to take her dolphin pillow pet with her on sleepovers at friends and grandma's house. She says that she loves how soft it feels.

My daughter got one for her birthday its the only pillow she will use now

It's a really nice comfortable pillow, soft and fuzzy and add a great decor to the room my little sister loves it.makes a great playmate

My daughter loves these, she has 4 of them! They are such a great idea for the little ones, and they are so soft and fluffy. The only issue we have had is a bow that came off, and a hole other than that they are the only pillows she will use.

Great playful gift for the "child" in your adult friends

Cute little pillow. My 3 year old named his ladybug "Moe" Soft and the velcro cover helps keep junk from sticking to the velcro.

The pillow pets are a great way for me to decorate my daughters room and a a comfy pillow for the night. It also makes the room look cleaner without the extra pillows

Cute little pillows . My little sister and brother have this and they love them. Great for a gift.

My kids got this for Christmas. Didn't really last long but they still use it.